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Table No. 6— continued. Return of Salaries of Officers, &c.— continued.

Table No. 7. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries in respect of all Services under the Control or Supervision of the Minister of Education during the Year ending 31st March, 1898.


Officers. Salaries. Bemarks. )taqo— continued. Messenger Inspector of Schools £ s. d. 78 0 0 475 0 0 450 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 324 0 0 190 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 ,, ... ... J, Architect Clerk of "Works Truant Officer Teacher of G-y mnastics Training College— Principal Vice-Principal Matron... Teacher of Singing School of Art and Design — Principal Assistant |-And £150 each travelling expenses, j f-And actual travelling expenses. J 75 0 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 Also headmaster, Normal School. y> •■■ • ■ ■ ■•• Teacher of Building Construction ... „ , Machine Construction ... Southland : — Secretary ... Clerk Inspector of Schools 400 0 0 160 0 0 15 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 f-And actual travelling expenses. 325 0 0 135 10 0 375 0 0 325 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 Drill Instructor Inspector of Worts

Head Office (Vote No. 44). Secretary and Inspector-General Clerks and clerical assistance Travelling expenses Contingencies £ a. a. 600 0 0 1,825 15 0 35 19 2 35 12 11 £ s. d. 2,497 7 1 Public Schools (Votes Nos. 45 and 62, Consolidated Fund; 101 and 102, Public Works Fund). Grants to Education Boards— Capitation allowance .. .. .. .. .. £421,252 10 0 Less revenue from reserves .. .. .. 38,522 15 9 382,729 14 3 7,600 18 9 4,000 0 0 600 0 0 43,700 0 0 503 3 3 Capitation allowance, at Is. 6d., for scholarships.. Subsidies for inspection Training of teachers Grants for school buildings (Votes Nos. 62, 101, and 102) Grants for rebuilding schools destroyed by fire Miscellaneous Expenditure— Schools at Chatham Islands Teachers' and Civil Service examinations Railway-fares of school children Preparation of arithmetic papers for Standards III., IV., V., and VI. Grant to Educational Institute for travelling expenses 223 7 4 856 8 5 3,050 10 0 20 0 0 70 0 0 Less recoveries (examination fees) 443,354 2 0 1,017 12 6 Native Schools (Votes Nos. 46 and 62). 442,336 9 6 Salary of Inspector Salaries and allowances of teachers Higher education and apprenticeship Books, school requisites, sewing material, &c. Travelling (including removals of teachers) .. Buildings (Vote No. 62) Repairs Visits of Public School Inspectors (subsidy to Auckland Education Board) General contingencies School organs 450 0 0 12,435 12 2 1,845 8 11 630 5 4 602 5 1 5,204 15 8 390 13 5 150 0 0 118 13 10 39 15 3 Less recoveries Total (£87 2s. Id. charged to Native Reserves Funds, and £1,000 to Civil List, Native Purposes) 21,867 9 8 29 5 9 21,838 3 11 Industbial Schools (Votes Nos. 47, 61, and 101). Auckland— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. £141 0 0 General maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 585 6 6 Boarding out— Board of children .. .. .. .. .. 451 15 6 Medical attendance .. .. .. .. 7 4 6 £1,185 6 6 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. £273 15 7 911 10 11 Carried forward .. 911 10 11 466,672 0 6