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and last week the company itself had a crushing, valued at £240. The deep sinking has been discontinued at the present time, and the company is concentrating its work in developing and systematically working the intermediate levels. The Success. —This company's ground is on the Karaka Block. The deepest workings so far are 275 ft. Good patches have been found in this claim from time to time. Continuous work is going on for developing and ventilating the mine with great hopes of payable results. New Hauraki. —This company has done a lot of work on its ground, which is also partly on the Karaka Block. Enormous reefs are found, but the average ore so far has not proved payable. Scotty's. —The main shaft is down 400 ft., and at this level a cross-reef has been met with and driven on, intersecting Brewer's reef. The driving is being continued north to come under the winze which yielded the rich patch of gold. The winze is the same depth as the level, and in a few weeks' time it is hoped to effect communication for ventilation. Driving will then be proceeded with to pick up this level. Hauraki Main Lodes. —This company's property is the Albion Special Foreshore Claim, upon which substantial machinery has been erected, and is in full swing. The shaft is down 180 ft., and the water is lifted by a Tangye pump capable of raising 7,000 gallons per hour. A great amount of driving and cross-cutting has been done, and is still going on with hopeful results. It adjoins the Golden Pah Licensed Holding. Kathleen Crown. —This adjoins the Kathleen, and is still continuing its work of development. Good machinery for this purpose has been erected and is at work. Blagrove's Freehold. —Adjoining the Kathleen Crown. A lot of work has been done. A report of some gold being found in this mine is correct, I believe, but it cannot be worked on till some considerable amount of driving has been done to connect the workings. Hauraki North. —Considerable work has been done during the year, and several crushings of payable stone have been made, but at the present time operations are suspended. New Golconda. —This mine is now under the management of Mr. E. H. Harrison. A great amount of work has been done, and from present appearances it is hoped that this mine will soon come to the front. Hauraki South. —A fair amount of work has been done in this mine. The machinery in course of erection last year is completed, and work is still going on, but nothing of any moment has been discovered. Bunker's Hill. —This company deserves credit for the energetic manner in which the claim has been worked, and, being alongside the famous Hauraki Mine, it will seem hard after all the work the company has done if a good patch of gold is not struck soon. Welcome Find. —This company has done a vast amount of work during the year. It adjoins the Hauraki Special Claim, and it is considered that a portion of the Hauraki main reef goes through this ground. Some payable crushings have been taken out during the year, and the work is still being pushed ahead. Hauraki Associated. —This company owns the Pride of Tokatea and Orina Special Claims, and has spent a considerable amount of capital in developing its mines and constructing a battery, with the result that a good monthly return of gold is now obtained. Harbour View. —Considerable prospecting has been done in this mine, and is still going on under the management of Mr. A. Kelso. Several pounds of good specimens have been obtained during the year. Golden Lead. —This company has been working during the year, and has lately struck a promising reef, of which great hopes are entertained, as it is supposed to be the Scotty's reef. Britannia. —This company has done considerable work during the. year, but the mine has now been closed down, and all hands discharged. Four-in-Hand. —This company has done good work during the year, and it intends to construct a battery to crush its own quartz. I believe the ground is now well opened up. Queen of the North.~The prospects of this company seem to be encouraging, a fair amount of work having been done. Some tributes have been let in the mine. At Port Charles there is nothing doing beyond a little prospecting by John McNeil. At Cabbage Bay the Jersey seems to be the only company doing any work. It has lately had some crushings of a payable nature. At Tiki the Progress Castle Eock, Pukewhau, and Eoyal Mint are apparently the only active working claims, and a large amount of work has been done on these claims. The want of a crushing plant is much felt. At Manaia the British Fleet, Golden Hill, Hauraki Queen, and Little Minnie are the only claims apparently attempting anything, and I understand some English capital is being obtained to work the three latter. Mining in Kennedy Bay district has fallen off considerably, and only a very few claims are at work. Pukemaukuku Block. —This is Aitken's Freehold, on which prospecting is being done with a view to future active development. This part of the district has been very little worked. Empress. —This special claim adjoins the Pukemaukuku Block, and several reefs have been discovered connecting with the Pukemaukuku, and good and payable tests have been made of quartz from this claim, but the want of a crushing plant near to the claim is much felt. At Matarangi the Ocean View Extended Licensed Holding, the property of the Matarangi Company, is let on tribute, the tributers crushing their quartz at this company's battery and meeting with satisfactory results. Kuaotunu. —The Mariposa Company has now absorbed the Try Fluke Company's mine and plant, and regular crushings give satisfactory results. The Kapai-Vermont Company have a good claim, but seem to be at present in a woeful muddle.