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said to be payable, is being found. A ten-stamp battery is being erected, and provision is made in the foundations for the addition of another ten heads when required. A water-race and tram-line are also in course of construction. Vulcan. —The Thames Exploration Company, of London, have been developing this mine. There are several well-defined reefs—namely, the Scandinavian, Vulcan, and Nightingale—in the property. So favourable are the prospects that it is intended to erect a battery of twenty stamps. The Kaiser (The Kaiser Gold-mining Company, No Liability). —This mine has been prospected vigorously, and the results are very encouraging. The main reef is being driven on, and an assay taken some few days ago, it is stated, gave favourable results. Hopes are entertained that a good run of gold will soon be met with. Gity of Auckland (Gity of Auckland Gold-mining Company, No Liability).- —-This mine, formerly known as the Sylvia, has been prospected vigorously. A shaft has been sunk 170 ft. to the southwest of the low level, and it is intended to erect pumping and winding machinery in order to work the mine at a lower depth, underneath the place where the old Sylvia Company found good payable ore some years ago. Thames. . Moanataiari. —The Moanataiari Gold-mining Company (Limited) has been steadily engaged in opening up the mine and saving quartz for treatment. A considerable quantity of what is thought will prove payable ore is to hand. The battery has been completed, and commenced working last month. At present only thirty heads of stamps are going, but when the Cambria main reef is thoroughly opened the supply of ore which will be obtained from that reef, combined with that secured from the other parts of the mine, will, no doubt, be sufficient to keep the sixty stamps at work. A most perceptible improvement has taken place in the workings in the Golden Age reef during the last month. Developments in other parts of the mine are proceeding satisfactorily and with encouraging results. A full description of the mine appears in the report of the Inspector of Mines, so that I need not go into that here. Thames-Hauraki. —The Thames-Hauraki Goldfields (Limited) has made good progress with regard to the erection of the new pumping plant at the Queen of Beauty shaft. The first set of plungers have been placed in position at the 327 ft. level, and the rising mains placed in the shaft from that point up to the surface, while preparations are being made to lower the pumping-rods. Work has been retarded by the non-arrival of certain parts of the machinery; in fact, so far as the high- and low-pressure engines are concerned, no more can be done until a further shipment of their parts arrive. At the Deep Sinker section a chamber has been cut at a depth of 460 ft., and a cross-cut driven eastward for nearly 60 ft., and a start made from the far end in a northery direction for the purpose of cutting the Una Hill reefs. A cross-cut will also be started shortly in a southerly direction, with a view to intersecting the Occidental, North Star, and Magnolia reefs. Work has been suspended in the Deep Levels Consolidated section, pending the result of an action for cancellation of the license at the suit of John and Sarah Bead, which will shortly be heard. May Queen Hauraki. —The May Queen Hauraki (Limited) have been working continuously. The May Queen shaft has been enlarged and retimbered, and it is intended to continue sinking as soon as the Thames-Hauraki pumping operations commence, when the water will be drained from this part of the mine. It is thought that the sinking of this shaft will open up a block of payable ground. The results from the crushings have been encouraging, although not actually payable. New Alburnia. —The New Alburnia Gold-mining Company (Limited) have steadily carried on work during the year. The shaft has been sunk to 100 ft. below the No. 3 level, making a total depth of 563 ft. A chamber has been cut here, and a cross-cut commenced. At a distance of 43 ft. the Dixon's reef has been met with, which is found to contain nice minerals. The old Sons of Freedom level has been repaired, and driving resumed from the Moanataiari side. It is intended to extend this level 300 ft. to get under the main shaft, which will be sunk 77 ft. more, in order to get on the same level as the tunnel. A considerable amount of opening-up has been done, and a large quantity of ore won has been treated at the company's battery, but the results have only been moderate. The manager is still persevering, and eventually hopes to meet with success. Kuranui-Caledonian. —The Kuranui-Caledonian Gold-mining Company (Limited), which own this mine, have been engaged during the year in developing and prospecting works. In the early part of the year the prospects were of a very encouraging nature. The first crushing of 200 tons yielded 400 oz., but lately the returns have fallen off. The gas in this mine has been very troublesome, and on one occasion three men nearly lost their lives. The manager has invented a gasalarm, which, when the gas arises to a certain height, rings an electric bell, and thus gives the alarm to those working in the levels affected. Waiotahi (Waiotahi Gold-mining Company, Limited). —This company continues with much the same results as for the last fifteen years or so, obtaining payable monthly returns, and employing sixteen men opening out and prospecting. For some time during the year work was stopped for the purpose of repairing the shaft, overhauling machinery, &c, so that the total returns for the year have not been so large as usual. As the result of economical and systematical working the directors have been able to pay the twentieth dividend. Hauraki Golden Age. —The Hauraki Golden Age Company (Limited) has had a large staff of men employed, and consequently a great deal of work has been done, but nothing of a payable character has been found. A twenty-stamp battery has been erected, and an aerial tramway constructed to convey the quartz from the mine to battery, but as yet very little use has been made of it. Victoria (Victoria Gold-mining Company, No Liability). —This company has been at work steadily during the year, but with indifferent success. Lately the staff of men has been reduced.