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level was also driven 146 ft., and the reef cut, on which driving was continued for 124 ft. A winze was also sunk from No. Ito the low level. The quartz, which is of a highly mineralised character generally, was crushed, and treated by the ordinary process. 112 tons yielded 88 oz. 10 dwt. of gold; value, £286 7s. Six men were employed. City of Auckland Mine (Area, 100 acres ; owners, City of Auckland Company). —The shaft commenced the previous year was sunk to a depth of 170 ft., and 600 ft. of driving was done. The development of the reef, which is here about 15 ft. in width, did not disclose quartz of a valuable character. One ton of picked quartz yielded * 2 oz. of gold; value, £3 10s. Bd. Seven men were employed. Scandinavian Mine (Area, 54 acres; Arthur Molyneaux, owner). —This mine was idle for six months, and only a very limited amount of work has been carried on during the latter half of the year. Twelve tons of quartz yielded 16 oz. 5 dwt. of gold; value, £41 17s. Two men were employed. The mine-manager, Mr. Alexander Whitley, furnished the following account of the mine and ownership during the past year : "The mine and plant were taken over in March, 1897, by Mr. Arthur Molyneaux, on behalf of an English syndicate, who undertook to float a company to provide capital to open up and thoroughly develop the mine. They still hold this option over the property. The mine was protected from March to September, 1897, and since that time has been working by permit with two men. The work done since September has been mostly surface prospecting, trenching, and shallow drives on some of the undeveloped reefs. Fair prospects were obtained in the different reefs, all of which are worthy of further development. A little stoping was done on a small reef at the lowest level, 100 ft. from the surface. Twelve tons of ore was broken out and treated at the company's mill, for the return of 16 oz. 5 dwt. bullion, valued at £41 175., which left a small profit after paying expenses of breaking and treating. This latter work is being continued at the present time, with encouraging results." Sunlight Mine (Owners, Sunlight Gold-mining Company).—Driving has been carried on in the No. 2 leader, which varies from 2 in. to 2 ft. in thickness. Four men are employed. Argosy Mine. —This mine is situated on the range to the northward of Tararu Creek. Several large gold-bearing reefs are known to exist in the ground, and occasional small patches of rich stone have been obtained; 4 cwt. of quartz yielded 23 oz. 6 dwt. of gold ; value, £77. Chicago Mine. —Prospecting work was carried on in this mine, and from a parcel of 3 tons of quartz a yield of 7 oz. 2 dwt. of gold, value £18 195., was obtained during the latter end of 1897, when two men were employed. Since that time a larger staff of twelve men was employed in developing the different reefs in the ground, and in preparing for the erection of a battery of ten stamps ; also in constructing a water-race and a tramway. The water-race will be 49 chains in length, and give a fall of 260 ft., which, it is expected, will supply ample power to drive the battery. Vulcan Extended. —This property has an area of 100 acres, and is situated in the Upper Tararu district. The Thames Exploration Syndicate has a working option over it at the present time. A cross-cut was commenced about 40 ft. from the surface to cut what is known as the old Vulcan reef, which has a north-east and south-west course. This drive is known as the intermediate level. Some very fair gold and picked stone were-obtained at this point, and the reef averaged about 7 ft. in thickness. The prospects being so encouraging, it was decided to put in another drive to cut the reef at a lower level. This was started from the creek-level, which gave 100 ft. more backs. The reef was cut after driving 120 ft., and driving was then continued with the object of cutting other reefs which are known to exist in this property. The whole length now driven is 360 ft. A battery-site and water-race rights have been obtained., and it is the intention of the syndicate to proceed with their erection and construction during the present year. A parcel of 5 tons of ore is being shipped to London for experimental purposes. The mine is opening up well as development work proceeds, and there appears every probability that it will turn out a paying concern. Very good prospects were met with during the whole length of the driving of the 360 ft., and several trial lots were taken out and treated by the ordinary wet process with very satisfactory results. The last If tons treated at May Queen Extended battery yielded at the rate of £2 12s. 2d. per ton. Temple Bar Mine (Owners, Temple Bar Gold-mining Company). —Driving in the low level has been carried on during the year, the reef averaging about 1 ft. in thickness. Two men are employed. Lylas, Mount Taylor, Eaglehawk, and Ake Ake Mines have been worked during the year, but are at present under protection. Shellback District. Waitangi Mine (Owners, Waitangi Gold-mining Company).—Since the expiration of protection in the early part of the year developing operations have been carried out in Nos. 3 and 4 reefs, top level, which is some 4 ft. in width. A parcel of quartz has been sent to the battery for crushing, but as yet no returns are to hand. Thames Special (Area, 51 acres; owner, Samuel C. Macky).—ln this claim very little work was done during the year. Nineteen tons of quartz was crushed, for 18 oz. 14 dwt. of gold. Prospecting was also carried on in the Magazine and other claims. Kuranui District. Kuranui Mine (Area, 15 acres; owners, the Kuranui Gold-mining Company, Limited). —The shaft is 150 ft. in depth, and from the level at this depth a winze was sunk 46 ft. The reef is 2 ft. 6 in. in width. A drive has been put in on this reef for 60 ft. The Oddfellows reef has also been driven on for 75 ft. No crushing has been done at the battery during the year; therefore no returns of gold. A party of tributers crushed thirty-seven loads from the surface, for 5 oz. 15 dwt. of gold; value, £14 13s. 3d. Three wages-men and two tributers were employed. Kuranui Caledonian Mine (Area, 29 acres 3 roods 20 perches; owners, Kuranui Caledonian Gold-mine, Limited). —The chief works carried on during the year were driving on No. 1 reef and