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No. 30. (Circular.) Sic,— Downing Street, 6th February, 1897. I have the honour to state, for the information of your Government, that an arrangement has been entered into by the Eepublics of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, under which the three Eepublics will form a single political entity for the exercise of their sovereignty abroad, under the name of " The Greater Eepublic of Central America," and will be represented by a Diet composed of three members chosen by each of the Legislatures. I have, <fee, The Officer Administering the Government J. CHAMBEELAIN. of New Zealand.

No. 31. (Circular.) Sib, — Downing Street, 25th February, 1897. The question has recently been submitted to me whether any joint or uniform action should be taken in Her Majesty's colonial possessions for the celebration of the sixtieth year of her accession to the throne, or whether such celebration should be left to the separate action of the several colonies. 2. If it were possible to inaugurate any such joint or uniform celebration throughout the colonies, it would doubtless greatly add to the interest that must in any circumstances attach to the commemoration of this unique and auspicious event. But, apart from other considerations, it appears to me that the great variations of climate and season that are to be found throughout Her Majesty's Colonial Empire at any given period of the year would alone render any such action impracticable; and I prefer therefore to leave it to local initiative in each case to make whatever arrangements may be suggested by local circumstances, feeling assured that I may rely upon the judgment and good feeling, not only of those in authority, but of the general body of Her Majesty's subjects, to celebrate the event in a manner befitting the occasion. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government J. CHAMBEELAIN. of New Zealand.

No. 32. (Telegram.) 26th March, 1897. Heb Majesty has been pleased to appoint Lord Eanfurly Governor of New Zealand. Please inform your Ministers. J. CHAMBEELAIN, The Administrator of the Secretary State for Colonies. Government of New Zealand.

No. 33. (No. 12.) Sic, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, Bth April, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch, No. 10, of the 18th February, announcing the departure from New Zealand of the Earl of Glasgow, and the assumption by yourself of the administration of the Government. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government J. CHAMBEELAIN. of New Zealand.

A.-l, 1897, No. 16.