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ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the For the Year ended


s. s. Brought forward .. 84 10 3 53,363 7 10 Lyttelton and Cheistohubch Railway Loan, 1860 — continued. Interest on Investments— continutd. On £2,100, Westport Harbour 5-per-eent. Debentures, 1 January to 2 March, 1896 „ £2,010, Patea Borough 5-per-cent. Debentures, 1 February to 2 March, 1896 „ £3,940, Borough of Hawera 6-per-cent. Debentures, 1 February to 2 March, 1896 .. .. „ £11,715, Wellington and Manawatu Railway 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 December, 1896, less income-tax „ £20, Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board 5-per-oent. Debentures, one year to 1 December, 1896 „ £510, County of Tauranga 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 January, 1897 .. „ £1,300, Borough of Hokitika 6-per-cent. Debentures, 5 January to 2 March, 1896 „ Bank balances 17 12 0 8 5 8 19 9 8 566 4 6 10 0 10,140 8 1 25 10 0 12 0 0 5 16 0 Securities realised, — 31 March, 1897. Wellington and Manawatu Railway 5-per-cent. Debentures Transferred from Investment Account, — 31 March, 1897. Consolidated Stock 4J-per-oent. Debentures 740 8 1 4,700 0 0 4,700 0 0 " Cantebbuby Loan Ordinance, 1862":— Contribution to Sinking Fund for year to 31 December, 1896, 1 per cent, on £16,000 Interest on Investments, — On £1,015, Immigration and Public Works Loan Debentures, one year to 15 October, 1896 „ £40, Borough of Brunner 6-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 9 November, 1896 „ £200, Borough of Tauranga 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 November, 1896 „ £2,260, General Purposes Loan 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 15 November, 1896 „ £880, ditto, 2 March to ditto „ £2,660, Consolidated Stock 4J-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 28 November, 1896 .. ' .. „ £20, County of Waitemata 6-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 December, 1896 „ £670, Defence Loan 4J-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 31 December, 1896 .. „ £510, Westport Harbour 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 January, 1897 . „ £480, Wellington and Manawatu Railway 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 December, 1896, leas income-tax „ £270, Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 December, 1896 „ £60, County of Tauranga 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 January, 1897 .. „ £50, Borough of Hokitika 6-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 5 January, 1897 „ £300, ditto, 25 August, 1896, to ditto „ £40, Land Improvement Loan 4-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 31 March, 1897 „ Bank balances 160 0 0 45 13 6 2 8 0 10 0 0 113 0 0 30 19 0 119 14 0 14 0 30 3 0 25 10 0 23 4 0 13 10 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 6 11 0 1 12 0 1 16 6 " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862": — Interest on Investments, — On £1,200, Borough of Thames 5J-per-cent. Debentures, half-year to 1 April, 1896 .. .. „ £400, ditto, 2 March to ditto „ £1,600, ditto, half-year to 1 October, 1896 „ £600, ditto, 25 August to ditto „ £2,567, Immigration and Public Works Loan 4J-per-cent. Debentures, half-year to 15 April, 1896 „ £651, ditto, 2 March to ditto „ £3,218, ditto, half-year to 15 October, 1896 .. „ £1,618, ditto, 25 August to ditto .. .. .. . -., „ £1,700, Borough of Tauranga 5-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 1 November, 1896 „ £300, ditto, 25 August to ditto „ £370, Borough of Brunner 6-per-cent. Debentures, one year to 9 November, 1896 „ £110, ditto, 25 August to ditto „ £37,729, General Purposes Loan 5-per-cent. Debentures, half-year to 15 May, 1896 „ £341, ditto, 2 March to ditto I 591 5 0 33 0 0 1 16 0 44 0 0 3 6 8 57 15 2 3 13 0 72 8 2 10 3 0 85 0 0 2 15 6 22 4 0 17 3 943 4 6 3 9 3 Carried forward -1,284 2 6- 64,095 0 11