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APPENDIX No. 1. RETURN FURNISHED THE GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE BY THE REGISTRAR OF PATENTS. New Zealand Letters-patent in foece foe Inventions for Gold-saving in which Cyanogen oe a Cyanide is employed. No. 2775.' —Ist February, 1888. —The Cassel Gold-extracting Company, Limited (assignees of Mac Arthur and Forrest). " Improvements in obtaining gold and silver from ores and other compounds." No. 3181.—13 th August, 1888.—"Werner Siemens, Berlin. " Improvements in the extraction of gold and other precious metals from minerals and ores containing them." No. 3296.—11 th October, 1888.—The Cassel Gold-extracting Company, Limited (assignees of Mac Arthur and Forrest). " Improvements in extracting gold and silver from ores or other compounds." No. 5610.—20 th June, 1892.— H. Parkes and J. C. Montgomerie, of Dulwich (Surrey) and Dalmore (Ayr, Scotland) respectively. " Improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores or compounds containing the same." No. 5769.—13 th September, 1892.—D. E. S. Galbraith and S. C. Macky, Auckland. "The Galbraith Gold and Silver Extraction Process." No. 5847.—22 nd October, 1892. — J. C. Montgomerie, of Dalmore (Ayr). " Improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores or compounds containing the same, and in apparatus for use in the treatment of such materials by means of solvents." No. 6126.—6 th April, 1893.—8. C. Molloy, London.—" Improvements in dissolving gold and other metals out of ores and compounds, and obtaining the metals therefrom." No. 6396.—15t September, 1893.— J. S. Mac Arthur and C. J. Ellis, Glasgow. " Improvements in extracting gold and silver from ores and the like." No. 6736.—28 th March, 1894.— E. D. Kendall, Brooklyn (U.S.A.) "Improvements in the method or process of treating gold and silver ores, and a composition of matter for the same purpose." No. 6775.—27 th October, 1893.— J. C. Montgomerie, Dalmore (Ayr). " Improvements in and connection with the extraction of gold and silver from ores or compounds containing the same." No. 6821.— W. O'C. G. Birkin, Nottingham. " Improvements in processes of and solvents for separating precious metals from their ores." No. 7328. —13th December, 1894.— H. L. Sulman and F. L. Teed, London. " Improvements in or relating to the extraction of precious metals from their ores." No. 7337. —17th December, 1894. — J. A. Walker, Kuaotunu. " Improvements in extracting gold and silver from ores and other compounds." No. 7425.—23 rd July, 1894.— J. J. Hood, London. " Improvements in extracting metals with new solvent materials." No. 7481. —12 March, 1895.—N.S.Keith, Hawarden (Chester, England). "Improvements in separating gold and silver from other materials." No. 7583.—8 th May, 1895. —A. Schmidt, Berlin. " Improvements in the extraction of gold and silver and in solvents for those metals." No. 7604. —14th May, 1895. —P. de Wilde, Brussels. " A process for extracting gold and silver from their ores, tailings, slimes, and concentrates, and the recovery of a portion of the materials used in such process." No. 7691. —20th June, 1895. —The Cassel Gold Extracting Company, Limited (assignees of Mac Arthur and Yates). "Improvements in the process of and apparatus for extracting gold and silver from ores and the like." No. 8175.—7 th January, 1896.—A. E. Morgans, London. "Improvements in extracting precious metals from their ores, and in the production of materials to be used therefor." No. 8187. —10th January, 1896.— J. Pfleger, Kaiserslauten (Germany). " Improvements in and connected with means and apparatus for effecting the electrolytic precipitating or obtainment of gold and silver from solutions thereof." No. 8220.—27 th January, 1896.— G. J. Adkins, Stamford Hill (England). " New or improved chloro-cyanide salts or compounds." No. 8281.—14 th February, 1896.— J. Park and E. H. Whitaker, Thames. "An improved process for obtaining gold and silver from ores." No. 8741.—15 th August, 1896.— H. Frasch, Cleveland (U.S.A.). "Improvements in mining gold and similar metals." No. 8752.—17 th August, 1896. — J. McTear, London. "Improvements in the extraction of precious metals from their ores, or from compounds containing the same." No. 8973.—26 th October, 1896.—C. W. H. Gopner and H. L. Diehl, Hamburg. " Improvements in the recovery of gold and silver from their solutions." No. 9643.—30 th June, 1897.— J. 0. Montgomerie, Dalmore (Ayr), and H. Parkes, Dulwich (Surrey). " Improved means applicable for use in the treatment of ores or compounds containing gold or silver, and in means applicable for use in the treatment of such materials with the aid of solvents."