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Hon. T. Thompson to T. E. Tayloe, Esq., M.H.R. Deak Sir, — Office of the Minister of Justice, 9th August, 1897. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant. You will recollect that at the interview I had with the Eev. F. W. Isitt and yourself, in Wellington, I stated that, following the ordinary rule, if any persons or organizations had any charges to make against Inspector Emerson, or any other officer of police, such charges must bo formulated specifically in writing, when they would be inquired into. I beg to point out that your letter, now under reply, does not comply with the above condition, and that therefore, so far as it is concerned, lam unable to take action upon it. Since its receipt, however, I have received from the secretary to the Auckland Prohibition and Temperance League a letter containing definite charges against Inspector Emerson, and this letter is now receiving my attention. I will reply to that portion of your letter relating to illicit sales of liquor in the Clutha district in a separate communication in a few days. I have, &c, T. E. Taylor, Esq., M.H.E., Christchurch. T. Thompson.

Mr. H. C. Haselden to the Hon. T. Thompson. Sib,— V.M.C.A. Buildings, Auckland, 4th August, 1897. I have the honour to remind you of the fact that when a deputation from the Auckland Prohibition and Temperance League waited upon you in Auckland recently you promised to inquire into any specific charges laid against individual police officers or constables. Your reply to the deputation, having been reported in the local papers, was seen by two gentlemen in no way connected with the League, who have reported an instance which in the public interest it is deemed advisable to acquaint you with, and to ask for an inquiry into the circumstances. The officer charged with misconduct is Inspector Emerson, of Napier, and the offences with which he is accused are drunkenness and disgusting conduct. The scene of the misbehaviour of the Inspector was on board the s.s. " Dingadee," on the Ist and 2nd May last, when he was a passenger from Napier to Auckland, the circumstances being shortly as follows : Inspector Emerson came on board the s.s. "Dingadee" at Napier on Saturday evening, and sat playing cards and drinking until 2 a.m. on Sunday, when he retired to his cabin much the worse for drink. Upon the steamer's arrival at Gisborne the Inspector went ashore (it is believed) to inspect the station and men there. Ho was brought off to the steamer on Sunday evening in a beastly state of intoxication, when he was guilty of most disgusting conduct, spitting about the floor of the cabin and using the washhand-basin as a urinal. The Inspector was so very drunk that he could not remove his boots nor get into his bunk without assistance ; in fact, he was helpless, and lay like a log on the floor until those who were occupying the same cabin came to his aid. During the night he got out of his bunk and again used the wash-basin as a urinal. Upon one of the gentlemen remonstrating with him, the Inspector was abusive, and threatened to kick the gentlemen referred to. Finally matters became so very unpleasant to the occupiers of the cabin that they reported the matter to the steward, and the Inspector was removed. The gentlemen reporting the occurrence are well known to yourself, and occupy good positions in the city, and are well known to be men of probity and trustworthiness; they were fellowpassengers and occupied the same cabin with the Inspector, and are prepared to give evidence and to call other evidence in corroboration of their statement. I have, &c, H. C. Haselden, Secretary, Auckland Prohibition and Temperance League. The Hon. the Minister of Justice.

Exteact from Letter from Mr. T. E. Tayloe, M.H.E., re Conduct of Inspector Emerson. Deae Sic, — Cashel Street, Christchurch, 2nd August, 1897. Since I waited upon you in company with the Eev. F. W. Isitt respecting the conduct of Inspector Emerson I have been in communication with the witnesses in Auckland. They are prepared to give their evidence before any tribunal where they have the protection accorded witnesses giving evidence on oath. The nature of the offence alleged against the Inspector you are aware of ; upon receiving full details of the affair and the names of witnesses, will you instruct the Crown Prosecutor to take action against Emerson ? T. E. Tayloe. The Hon. T. Thompson, Minister of Defence, Wellington. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,250 copies), 10a. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB97. Price 3d.]