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Sess. 11.—1897. NEW ZEALAND.


Returns to Orders of the House of Representatives dated the Bth and 10th April, 1897. Ordered, " That thero bo laid before this House a return showing separately the value of the imports during 1896 rom the different British possessions and from foreign countries, and the amount derived in Customs duties under each heading."—(Mr. O'Reqan.) Ordered, "That there be laid before this House a return showing separately the amount of Customs duties paid in each of the ten years ending the 31st March last, and the value of goods imported from the United Kingdom, each of the Australian Colonies, Tasmania, Mauritius, other British possessions, China, other foreign ports, islands In the Pacific, and southern whale fishery."—(Mr. Buchanan.)

Return showing the Total Values of Free and Dutiable Imports during the Year 1896 from the Different British Possessions and from Foreign Countries; also showing the estimated Amount of Custom Duties to which the Dutiable Goods are liable on Importation.

Country. Total Values of Free Imports. Total Values oi Dutiable Imports. Total. Estimated Customs DutioB derivable from Dutiable Imports. United Kingdom Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Norfolk .. Fiji Maiden Panning Malta Cape Colony Natal Mauritius Hongkong Bengal Bombay Madras Ceylon Singapore Canada British Columbia Newfoundland Jamaica £ 1,441,585 175,066 340,065 18,057 9,391 12 11,908 191 20,18-2 4,290 3,072 8,272,891 173,792 222,(500 103,142 16,260 145 19,936 1 214,658 £ 4,714,476 348,858 562,665 121,199 25,651 157 31,844 192 234,840 4,290 3,074 3 101 25 21,219 22,338 124,821 346 331 95,961 10,924 12,891 6,796 1 134 17,810 1,110 1,225 6,354 238 9,282 5,011 101,381 289 402 £ 998,795 80,886 82,668 31,761 10,238 16 4,730 102,194 12 328 80,142 300 20 1,318 5,422 5,795 '882 2 8 89 25 21,219 22,010 44,679 46 311 94,643 5,502 7,096 5,914 1 134 17,677 1,116 1,225 3,277 157 9,282 5,011 77,977 283 382 1 23 6 6,912 12,125 19,624 53 310 39,321 2,671 628 936 France Spain .. Portugal Italy Austria Switzerland 188 3,077 81 310 14,485 1,136 1,109 781 36 3,023 5,512 25,952 60 153 Greece 23,404 6 20 Germany Norway Sweden Carried forward 2,144,759 4,341,486 6,486,245 1,446,455