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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services

Item. 189 -98. MARINE AND HARBOURS— continued. 19 20 21 VOTE No. 40— continued. Salaries — continued. General — Examiners of Masters and Mates — Auckland: 1 at £75 and 1 at £20 Lyttelton Shipping-master and Examiner of Masters and Mates, Wellington (also Under-Secretary for Defence, £400) Weather-reporting Officer and Examiner of Masters at Wellington £ 95 25 50 22 350 Other Charges— Pension to Widow of late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck Pension to J. Heberley, late Pilot at Queen Charlotte Sound Expenses connected with Inquiries into Wrecks, Relief of Distressed Seamen, and Survey of Unseaworthy Ships Protection of Oysters Protection of Fish, &c. Maintenance of Waitapu Leading Lights ... Leading Lights for Hokianga ... Repairs to Whangarei Town Wharf Wharf at Panmure Repairs to Lighthouses, Dwellings, &c. Removal of rocks, Whakatane River Flagstaff at Mokau Construction of embankment, Karamea Harbour Wharf at Maraetai Extension of Wharf at Horse-shoe Bay Erection of Wharf at Wilson's River (subsidy, £1 for £1) Subsidy to Steamer for Kaipara Harbour Work Beacons for Kaipara Harbour ... Barometers, &c, Tor Weather forecasts Explosive fog-signal Grant towards cost of jetty at Cape Turnagain Grant-in-aid for Deep-sea Trawlers Fish-hatcheries and expenses of Expert Ayson to Canada and America Improvement of Somes Island Light (to be refunded by Wellington Harbour Board) Harbour Contingencies, including Maintenance of Harbour Lights, Buoys, and Beacons Oil, Stores, and Lighthouse Contingencies Travelling-expenses and General Contingencies 520 23 24 24 50 25 300 250 150 50 150 100 200 400 100 100 320 250 80 200 340 300 300 450 100 4,000 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 750 46 800 47 1,300 3,200 500 48 49 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 14,764 200 Total —Vote No. 40 14,564 MARINE: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 27,579 VOTE No. 41. Government steamers, Working-expenses ... Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 15,000 5,000 10,000 Total —Vote No. 41 —, . _ , TOTAL OF CLASS VI £7i 3,241