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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1896. 1897. Anstey, G. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau ... Aulrl, John, Cheviot Buinbridge, W,, Clieviot Barker, L., Cljeviot Barnes, F., Cheviot Barnes, George, Spotswood Barnes, J., Cheviot Beckett, J., Cheviot Black, W., Cheviot Bruce, William, Clieviot Burnett, Alexander, Cheviot Butt, H.. Cheviot Butt, J., Cheviot Campbell, Mrs., Clieviot Childe, P., Port Robinson Coakley, T,, Cheviot Corcoran, Thomas, Cheviot Craighead, A., Cheviot Crampton, G. W., Cheviot Crampton, J. J., Cheviot Crampton, M. 11., Cheviot Cuthbert, W., Cheviot DaJgety, Win., Cheviot Dalton, E., Cheviot Denton, F. R., Domett Dillon, P-, Domett Down, A., Cheviot Doyle, J., Cheviot Dunlop, E., Cheviot Evans, C. T., Cheviot Evans, John, Spotswood, Cheviot Fenwick, E. F., Cheviot Fitzpatriok, J., Cheviot Fitzeimmons, II., Cheviot FitzeimmonP, Patrick, Cheviot Kleming, John, Cheviot Forbes Bros., i-heviot Forsyth, Thomas, Cheviot Fraser, D., Cheviot Fraser, James, Cheviot (liirdiner, G., Cheviot Gee, T., Cheviot Geeson, W m., Domett G. 11, T. P., Cheviot Gibson, J., Cheviot Gillies, T., Domett Gills, John, Parnassus Road, Cheviot Hannah, W., Domett Hansen, J. N , Spotswood Hare, J-, Cheviot Hilling, John, Cheviot Hodgson, W., Cheviot Hogan, John, Cheviot Hole, R. W., Domett Hoi ton, E., Cheviot Hughes, F. W., Port Bobineon Hughes, Patrick, Domett Hullin, H., Cheviot Hungerford, G. W., Cheviot Hyde, W. C, Cheviot Jackman, Eias, Domett Jones, Cliarles, Cheviot Jones, George, Cheviot Kelly, John, Cheviot Kemp, John, Cheviot King, Thomas, Cheviot Kinley, George, St. Albans Leaman, H. £>., Cheviot Lewis, A. M., Domett Lewthwaite, J. B., Cheviot Lott, D., Cheviot Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeewood, Waiau Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... Marten, B , Domett McDowell, A., Cheviot McGilvray, D., Domett McGregor, W., Spotewood McLaren, D., Cheviot McLauchlin, George, Cheviot McLean, George, Domett McNiven and iitken, Domett Mcl'herson, J., Cheviot MoRae, George, Cheviot Meikle, T., Domett 35101 241 374 12(!3 239 154 138 300 583 18 91 111 550 4425 950 1000 160 262 487 389 500 000 1343 492 194 455 176 468 237 12R8 547 1010 1949 1931 60 160 77 1737 270 34408 300 455 1092 Nil 99 279 295 375 494 194 96 633 4800 970 1012 Nil 218 392 321 475 900 194 197 1258 487 171 552 629 219 267 409 1438 294 1111 20C0 1865 72 Nil 22 1937 410 363 557 1654 279 20 240 190 202 545 552 480 713 331 44 (10 1969 180 2000 455 77 163 378 755 127 Nil 10 254 524 291 14248 17606 357 100 893 298 1980 152 47 395 415 5471 391 559 1910 264 271 289 202 554 388 248 596 27 2257 2000 405 190 167 373 1020 173 100 48 498 296 16380 14911 294 182 959 241 1595 120 52 430 6028 879

No. of! Sheep on April 30, 1897. April 30, 1896. Mcnzies, N\, Cheviot Millichaitip, E., Cheviot Monk, R., sen., Chiveiicy Morris, W., Cheviot Mowat, Alexander, Cheviot Nicholson, H., Cheviot Osborne, T. L., Domett Patterson, William, Cheviot Plant, Oij Cheviot PuBohel, .T. C. S., Domett Pusctliel, N. C. H., Domett Reid, William, Parnassus Road, Cheviot Roberts, 0., jun., Domett Robertson, Andrew, .Domett Robinson, T,, Cheviot Robinson, VV ., Cheviot Rutherford, A. W., Brootdale, Waiau Rutherford, A. W., Mendip Hills, Wman ... Searlett, W., Cheviot Searr, R., Cheviot Sloss, R., Cheviot Smith, Ci'onipton Brothers, Port Robinson... Smith, E. W., Cheviot Smith, F. H., Cheviot Spriggs, W., Cheviot Stevenson Bros., Cheviot Stevenson, J., Cheviot stringer, E., Cheviot Tait, Jaines, jun., Clavrrley Tutton, A. E., Cheviot, Cliristchurch Upiitchard, James, Domett Vaughan, John, Cheviot Wells, A. T., Cheviot Westland, C. J., Oiieviot Whatman, Max, Cheviot Wilkinson, T. II., Spotswood Winskill, 1) , Cheviot Winterbourne, John, Cheviot Wood, P. H, Domett Woodward, S., Cheviot Zuppicich, J., Domett 850 152 298 390 2200 960 396 38 ' 855 200 1161 505 258 6fi3 2690 1000 10080 9750 295 137 3464 487 163 176 194 2696 120 295 1710 2200 1061 604 172 3471 1345 lOlfi 192 298 387 2000 581 381 40 Nil 780 486 420 490 929 1915 1000 10598 9600 411 75 2784 739 241 249 382 2449 263 454 1611 Nil 846 444 252 3706 1430 400 1615 142 2334 298 700 1612 837 293 716 171,762 172740 ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Acton-Adams, Mrs. H., Tepapa, Chris toll uroh Addinell, John, West Eyreton Ahlridge, H. T., Oxford Allan, Alexunder, Rockvale, Waikari Allan, Joseph, Oxford Allison, Edward, Cust Allison, W., Anibei'ley Atnos, Robert, Amberley Anoall, A., West Oxford Anderson, 0"., Loburn Anderson, 0-, Bennett's Anderson, William, Clyde Grove, Cust Archibald, D., Wai para, Armstrong, Gγ., North Loburn Armstrong, Joim, Loburn Armstrong, Thomas, Waikari Arnott, W., Fernside Ashby, J. S. and E., Balcairn Asliby, J. S., Balcairn Ashworth, A., View Hill Ash worth, James, Sefton Askew, Henry, Oxford Atkinson, Joseph, Cust Atkinson, R. D., Cust Atkinson, Robinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, VV., Cust Atkinson, W. H., Bennett's Bailey, A., View Hill Bailey, Drunimond, Balcairn Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, K., Ashley Bailie, Robert, Waikari Baird, John, S efton Baird, Samuel. Sefton Baker, Jonathan, Ohoka Baker, P. T., Amberley Baker, F., Southbrook Bank of New South Wales, The Lakes, Ch'ch. 9045 822 85 1445 42 13 23 26 20 636 2183 159 469 1500 83 262 45 134 3890 13 98 497 199 391 398 31 192 161 50 870 89 253 28 908 80 15000 13000 8S2 143 878 82 25 50 15 155 Nil Nil 402 2121 122 487 1265 95 313 5 93 3791 20 123 592 28a 497 398 64 206 151 Nil 788 194 187 Nil 10(10 230 16768