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No. of Sheep on April 30, April :i", 1896. 1897. Twiclle, James, Havelock Walker Brothers, Nydia Bay, Havelook Walker, L. S., Nydia Bay, Havelock Weaver, Alexander, Waikahaho, Kairuna ... Webb, J. J., Beatrix Bay, Manaroa Webber, W., Elmelie's Bay Webster, T., Picton Wells Brothers, Waikawa Wella Brotliers, Nydia Bay, Havelock Wells, Daniel, Foiir Fathom Bay, ITavelock Wells, David, Havelock Wells, Eli, Hillside Farm, Havelock Wells, Jabez, Havelock Western, C. J., The Lindens, Picton Western, Mrs. A., The Lindens, Picton Whoadon, John, Havelock White, Mrs. J., Hitawa, Picton Wilson, Mrs. R., Koromiko Wilson, W., Canviistown Wynn-Williams, 11., Manaroa Yan-ell, J. G., Mjunt Pleasant, Picton 40 446 249 868 497 596 4' 808 200 1400 110 ,67 '52 384 40 408 395 Nil 600 830 70 1010 200 1215 Us 202 '35 Nil 597 222 89 7 2 4f'3 '93 "9>5 6 7 500 595 250 96 Nil 475 192 MARYBOROUGH COUNTY (In Blenheim Subdivision). Aberhart, J. H., Blenheim Aldndge, W. S., Wairau Bar, Blenheim Adams, John, Grovelowii Adams, William, Langley Dale, Blenheim ... Adams and Sons, Greenfields, Blenheim Addison, J. J., Wairau Valley Allport, Thomas, jun., Spring Creek Avory, Arthur, Blenheim Arery, William, Blenheim Bary, G., Henwick Bank of N.8. Wales, Rivevlands, Blenheim... Barker, Edwin, Wairau ValleyBarnes, S., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim ... Barnett, A. W., Raydale, Tua Marina Barton, John, Onamalutu Batty, J., Middle Road, Blenheim Beal, Richard, New Henwick Hoad, Blenheim Beatson, J. J., IJankfield, Blenheim Beatson, Robert, Olovernook, Blenheim Bell and Sons, St. Leonards, Blenheim Bell and Suns, W., Benhopai, Renwicktown... Bell Brothers, Northbank, Wairau Valley ... Bell Brothers, Flaxmerc, Blenheim Bell, H. G., Waihopai Bishell, P., Caythorpe, Blenheim Bliek, B., Tua Marina Blick, Enoch, Spring Creek Blick, Jesse, Spring Creek Bonnington, H., Wairau Valley Botham, C. and G., Tua Marina Botham, H. B,Tua Marina Botbam, J. C, Blenheim Bowler, Mrs. A., Blenheim Boyes, David, Tua Marina Boyle, John, Blenheim Brougham, D., Willow Brook, Blenheim Brydon, Mrs., Comely Bank, Renwick Burroughs, J., \\ oodside, Blenheim Busby, Mrs. J. D., Valleyfield, Benwicktown Callard and Gibson, Boulderbank, Blenheim Cameron, Mrs. M. A., Okaramio Campbell, Hugh, Tua Marina Carter, T., Richmond Dale, Wairau Valley ... Carter, T., Hillersden, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Wantwood, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Stronvar, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Tearowhenua, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Burleigh, Blenheim Carter, Thomas, Glenfiold, Blenheim ,,. Carter, Thomas, Witten Run, Blenheim ... Casey, Mrs. M., Tua Marina Chandler, George, Opawa Bank, Blenheim... Chaytor, Edward,, Spring Creek ... Chaytor, J. C, Marshlands, Spring Creek ... Cheesman, G. T., Grovelown Oheeseman, H. C., Grovetown Clifford, Sir G., Vernon, Blenheim Clouston, W. G., Bank Farm, Blenheim ,, 127,882 107 5° l.?7 4°95 '59 127 55° 8S 373 580 3985 200 81 598 280 28 70 170 146 4418 iu6 '58 110 394 480 4248 25.S 90 626 3° 316 366 2797 14416 755° 250 60 266 102 335 5° 167 39 6 394 3793 '3903 7600 2'5 Nil 2.?' 200 20 186 23 143 130 ,36 1422 81 27 "3 180 300 Nil 187 42 272 124 Ni'l 5 Nil 295 '45 170 1150 85 30'4 162 424 376 3620 16672 13300 10051 545° 4928 794 500 400 35 "' I5.7ui 10,01 2 1 2,983 495° 420 9°9 5121 73 221 200 4362 4027 135°° j 610 4517 4120 455 '32 Nil Nil

No. of Sheep on April 30,, 18U6. 1897. Conder, T., Renwick Connor, M., Longfiold Farm, Blenheim Coitello, W. J., Delta, Renwicktown Craven, Alexander, Grovetown Dalziel, J., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Davies, James, Kaituna Des-Forges, A., Blenheim Dick, John, Tua Marina Dillon, Mm. P. Or, Leefield, Blenheim Dodeon, F. T., Onslovv Farm, Spring Creek... Dodson, G., Sandhills Farm, Spring ... Dodson, T. R., The Willows, Blenheim Draper, D., Blenheim Fuirliall E., VVoodburn, Blenheim FiilvrfT, Michael, Omaka Estate Fannar, A., Blenheim FitzGerald, Mrs., Blenheim Folster, H., Onainalutu, Ford, Mrs. J., Spring Creek Foster, J. F., Blenheim Fulton, Mrs. C, Blenheim Q-ano, James, Newland, Spring Creek Gane, S., Park Farm, Spring Creek Gee, George, Renwiek Gibson, T. L., Kaituna Gifford, Tsaac, Spring Creek Gilford, James, Rodwell, Blenheim Gilford, W., Raglan Farm, Blenheim Gouller, C. and C, Hawkesbury, Blenheim (Coulter, Charles, Hawkesbury Gouller, Redwood, Timara, Blenheim Graham, G.. Fairhall, Blenheim Green, Mrs. M. J., Kaituna Gregory, Thomas, Spring Creek Gridley, Joseph, Blenheim .Hall Mrs. M., Spring Creek Hammond, Francis, Blenheim Hammond. II., Renwiek Roud, Blenheim ... Harding, T., Swansdown, Blenheim Henley, John, Tua Marina Herd, D., Doctor's Flat, Blenheim Horlgeson, Sam., Tua Marina Hodgson, William, Okaramio Holdaway, George, Blenheim Holdaway. J., Blenheim Hopgood, Thomas, Renwicktown Morgan, M., Men do w Bank, Blenheim Home, Mrs. B,, Blenheim Hounsel, Arthur, Omaka Estate Huggart, S., Tiptree, Blenheim Humphrey, John, Onamalutu Inman, C, Kaituna Jackson, A. W., Runnymede, Blenlieim Jackson, II. L., Blenheim Jackson, L. E., Blenlieim Jacques, Daniel, Okaramio Jacques, Thomas, Kaituna Jeffries, Thomas, Blenheim Jellyman, William, Blenheim Jermyn, James, Biillerby Farm, Spring Creek Jones, William. Big Bush, Blenheim Jordan, Christian, Blenheim Kennington, William, Okaramio Kiikpatrick, James, Blenheim Laidlaw, J., Cragieburn, Blenheim Lambert, J. A., Slirublands, Kaituna Lankow, H,, Tua Marina Lankow, J., Tua Marina Law, James, Tua Marina Law, Joseph, Tua Marina Lawson, Beatson, Okavamio Lees, James, Blenheim Leslie, John, Okaramio Levein, J. T., Springfield, Okaramio Lilchfleld, A. J., Livermere, Blenheim Lucas, Joseph, Opawa Bank, Blenheim Mahcr Brothers, Kaituna Maher. John, North Bank, Kaituna Maher, P. and J., New Kenwiek Road, Blenlieim Mapp, J., Blenheim March, John, Spring Creek Matthews, R., Spring Creek McCallum, Duncan, Blenheim ... '3° 173 228 2 5 ■38 5" 100 1060^ 187 .67 • 2 5 10 '34° 5*3 60 452 ■79 3° 199 3°5 "5 397 '758 230 57" 2368 757 77' '74 274 210 13' 864 48 48, '38 5' 343 161 271 404 283 48 900 34S 75 1 1,321 242 '47 '35 '5° '775 187 600 70 650 146 100 15 1 do 274 117 384 1600 39" 37O Nil 2586 1300 990 49 132 279 100 100 7 1 912 22 545 92 '49 55 376 46 292 Nil 277 423 100 80 12 599 875 200 88 I2 5 46 253 392 184 2390 24 426 839 44 7 £ 76 200 169 300 675 277 196 93 "335 3°2 347 410 170 112 16 600 293 Nil 142 100 297 46 *93 486 40 2263 '4 600 878 77 143 '56 Nil Nil 300 807 IIJ2 '53 99 '393 35J 2 45 142 5° 126 302 98 35° 15;