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No. of 8heep on April 30, April 8<1, 18(16. 1897. Grooby, Roland, Motueka Grooby, T., Motueka Q-rooby, T,, jun., Ngatimoti Grooby, T. I , ., Ngatiinoti Groom, William, Upper Moutere Guest, John, Ngiitimoti Guy, J. A., Lower Moutere Hall, T., Thorpe Hannen, Hugh, Tadmor Hanron, M., Stanley Brook Haiford, Benjamin, Tadmor Harford, H. 'i , ., Tadmor Ilarford, Walter, Tadmor Harloy, Godfrey, Lower Moutere Harvey, Charles, Neudorf Harvey, George, Upper Moutere Harvey, John, Upper Moutere Harvey, J . Upper Moutere Harvey, J. W., jun., Dovedale Hastilow, William, Wakefield Haycock, H., Motueiia Haycock, Herbert, Motueka i'aycock, James, Ngatimoti Haycock, J. A., Graham Hirer, Ngatimoti ... Heath, John, Ngatimoti Heath, Thomas, Ngatimoti Heine, Friederich, Neudorf Heine, J. 0., jun., Upper Moutere Horrick, W. J., Lower Moutere Ilewetson, J., jun., Upper Moutcro Hewetson, T, and A., Upper Moutere Hill, William, Ngatimoti Hoeton, A., Dovedale Hocton, W. H., Dovedale Hodgene, Thomas, Tadmore Hodges, S. B., Ngatimoti Xiodges, W., Ngatimoti Hodgkinson, G. G., Tadmor Hodgkineon, R., Tadmor Hodgkinson T., Tadmor Holdaway, E., Lower Moutere Holder, Francis, Motueka Holmwood, G., Ngatimoti Ilolyoake, K., Hiwaka Holyoake, Thomas, Riwaka Horneman, F. U., Ngatimoti Hudson, Edward, Ngatimoti Hunt, James, Motueka Hursthouse, Richmond, Motueka llyland, M., Lower Moutere Inwood, Henry, Tangatotara Jackett, Jno., Motueka Jenkins, W. lUwaka Johansen, Dr., Thorpe Johnsen, Miss E. 0., Tadmor Jones, Herbert, Motueka Valley Kelling, Charles Upper Moutere Kelling, J. F., Stanley Brook Kelling, O J., Upper Moutere Kelling, E., Stanley Brook Kenyon, II., Tliorpe Kidson, Arthur, Tadmor Kinzett, G. W., Sherry Kinzett, W. J., Tadmor Kite, George, Tadmor Kuowles, J. D., Motueka Knyvett, H. P., Stanley Brook Kranimer, William, Lower Moutere Lammas, E. A., Thorpe Lainmes, J , Dovedale Langman, R., Thorpe ... Lewis, William, Riwaka Limmer, G., Lowe/ Moutere LimmO'', J., Motueka Limmer, W., Lower Moutere Lines, George, Ngatimoti Lines, W., Sherry Livesy, William, Motupiko Lloyd, Alfred, Ngatimoti Lloyd, B., Ngatimoti Lloyd, J., Ngatimoti Lloyd, Roger, Ngatimoti Loveridge, J., Thorpe ..,, Loveridge, J., Thorpe .., 170 79 1000 276 60 42 938 28 952 20.7100 98 I 6 15 11 225 149 64 8 12$ 643 438 '398 117 1 15 237 187 295 250 642 [71 90 700 250 246 700 34 35' 99 200 24 164 75 1081 196 96 40 987 34 ' 095 278 98 100 76 52 23 Nil 45 '5 1 100 1 i 18 128 811 461 ' 339 96 109 192 140 272 293 655 7i '57 204 700 '85 270 865 24 365 92 277 80 9' 600 432 72 Nil 267 86 61 250 46 280 117 856 2570 23 853 219 291 27 366 413 : 7 6 :82 863 35 9 1 293 126 697 5' 7 379 87 '45 389 '97 662 740 400 36 '56 '34 199 3°3 404 300 109 886 2539 '9 681 "7 256 28 383 388 190 '39 970 '9 81 290 93 657 546 333 70 '44 327 186 690 774 758 77 93 '5' 191 300 35°

No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1896. 1897. MneMiilion Bros.. Hiwalta Malpns, M. S., Stanley Broo'< Manoy, A., Motueka Marshall, Gh K., Ngatimoti Martin, Charles, Ngatimoti McCarthy, T., Baton McConachie, T. N., Motupiko McGaveston J. 0., Ngatimoli McLean, William, Riwaka McMalion, Henry, Riwaka McVicar, Neil, Ngatimoti Mead, F,, Motupiko Mead Hubert, Motupiko Mead, John, Motupiko Meyer, James, Sherry Miekell. James Riwaka Mills, Henry, Upper Moutere Moore, Edward, Nelson Mylton, E. Thorpe Mytton, William, Ngatimoti Nagel, 0., Neudorf Nalder, W. A., Baton Newmann, E. W., Neudorf Newport, Cyril, Upper Metupiko Newport, Edward, Baton Newport, Phillip, Upper Motupiko Newport S. J., Motupiko Ohm, August, Thorpe Pahl, Miss Emma, Tadmor Pahl, J. F., Sherry Pahl, P. C, Tadmor Palmer, James, Motupiko Park, H. P., Motueka Parker, 0., Motueka Parkes, J. W., Motueka Parkinson, E., Motueka Parsons, W. H., Ngatimoti Patorson, Hugh, Stanley Brook Pattie, William, jun., Riwaka Pattie, T., Biwaka Pattie, W., sen., Biwaka I'attie and McMahon, Motueka Valley Perry, W. G-., Neudorf Phillips, W H . jun., Skeny Pliipps, C, Upper Moutore Polglase, R. J., Stanley lirook Prestidge, II., Upper Moutere Price, C, Baton Primmer, Benjamin, Lower Moutere Primmer, H. and L., Upper Moutere Quiney, S A., Motupiko Quiney, T.. L., Motupiko Quinney, W., Motupiko Quinney, W. F., Motupiko Quinton, II. A., Tadmor Remnant, Christopher, Ngatimoti Remnant, Christopher, jun., Ngatimoti Remnant, James, Ngatimoti Rieketts, C. W., Tadmor Riley, J., Sherry Robinson, Alfred, Ngatimoti Robinson, Ernest, Ngatimoti Robinson, John, Upper Moutere RoliBon, J. W., Sherry Roeske, II. W., Sherry Rollet, Mrs. E., Sherry Rose, F., Neudorf Rose, Q-eorge, Thorpe Rose, Heinerich, Neudorf Rose, John, Thorpe Ross, Greorge, Upper Moutere Ross, James, Pokororo Valley, Njjatimoti ... Rumbold, Henry, Motueka Russ, J. A., Riwaka, Dovedale Russ, John, Upper Moutere Ryder Bros., Riwaka Ryder, W , jun., Riwaki, Dovedale Salisbury Brothers, Ngatimoti . . Salisbury Brothers, Ngatimoti Salisbury, J. K., Ngatimoti Samson, N., Tadmor Schildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Schwass, Frederick, Upper Moutere Shillier, August, jun., Upper Moutere 1180 237 3° S66 i 3 6 638 !' 93' 98 124 3° 296 92 100 454 692 ,562 82 '596 '74 95 200 800 55 4' 79 285 264 18 '33 148 34 2 11 2 166 610 595 222 1884 200 608 40 324 353 '773 5 1 5° 9' 119 299 9' 70 16 82 343 253 857 82 1086 248 34 158 Soo 88 981 292 23 216 97 122 Nil 296 87 89 39° 900 1559 92 1650 177 85 180 200 800 58 60 133 300 375 21 140 '73 55 '57 146 552 854 200 i7'5 192 400 Nil 291 400 1916 Nil 51 •35 97 359 97 75 80 99 298 230 700 "3 116 55 Nil 712 58 97 1 coo 1092 60 495 208 5'5 '85 140 46 I 1 900 1192 81 395 295 525 '55 140 95 Nil 595 297 1740 527 59° 248 43 70 45° 496 1897 310 587 280 "3 3' 8 5