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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1897-98. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 38.—Customs Offices and Services 27,104 6,300 33,404 „ 39. —Customs: Miscellaneous Services 377 3,881 4,258 „ 40. —Marine and Harbours... 13,015 14,564 27,579 „ 41.—Marine : Miscellaneous Services 10,000 10,000 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 40,496 14,745 75,241 Item. 197-98. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES. 1897-98. Total number of officers ... 135 VOTE No. 38. Salaries —■ Head Office — Secretary for Customs and Marine Chief Clerk 2 Clerks : 1 at £160, 1 at £120 Clerk (Audit) Writer (Audit) (including extra-duty pay) Cadet Messenger and Storeman Auckland — Collector Landing Surveyor First Clerk 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £140 5 Cadets: 1 at £75, 2 at £70,1 at £65, 1 at £60 Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... 8 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers : 2 at £250, 1 at £245, 1 at £225, 1 at £210, 1 at £200,1 at £190, 1 at £160 Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer 5 Lockers : 1 at £160, 1 at £150, 1 at £149, 2 at £133 3 Lockers (Writers), at £187 ... Messenger at 6s. per day Boatman at 8s. per diem Whangarei — Coastwaiter (also Postal Officer) Whangaroa — Coastwaiter Thames — Coastwaiter New Plymouth — Collector and Examining Officer Cadet Wanganui — Collector and Examining Officer Clerk and Landing Waiter 625 350 280 260 260 75 140 550 350 290 340 340 180 1,730 220 725 561 110 146 3 50 4 50 5 50 6 315 70 7 325 190