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October, 1896.

Auckland. —One case : breach of Shops and Shop-assistants Act, section 3 ; failing to close on the statutory half-holiday; penalty, Is., with £1 7s. costs. HoJdtika. —One case for failing to close shop on half-holiday ; penalty, Is., with 9s. costs. November, 1896. Auckland. —One case under "The Shops and Shop-assistants Act Amendment Act, 1896," for delivering goods on the afternoon of day appointed for weekly half-holiday; penalty, Is., with £1 3f.. costs. Christchurch. — One case under "The Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, 1895," for charging excessive fee; penalty, Is., with £3 15s. costs. December, 1896. Wellington. —One case under the Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, for charging excessive fee; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs ; excess of fee to be refunded to client. Ghristchurch. —Three cases under the Factories Act, for failing to give holiday on Saturday afternoon to employes ; penalties, £1 each, with £1 Bs. costs each. Five cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on half-holiday; penalties, 10s. each, with £1 Bs. costs each. Invercargill. —Four cases under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act. Two for failing to close shops on half-holiday; penalties, 10s. each, with £1 10s. and 7s. costs. One for employing female for more than fifty-two hours krone week ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. One for failing to give holiday to female; penalty, £1, with £1 10s. costs. One case under the Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, for keeping servants as lodgers; penalty, Is., with £1 13s. costs. January, 1897. Wellington. —One case under the Factories Act, for employing females after 6 p.m. without permit; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing "to close shop on half-holiday; penalty, 55., with £1 Bs. costs. Auckland. —One case under the Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, for charging excessive fee; penalty, £2, with £1 16s. costs, and conviction indorsed on license. Febbuaey, 1897. Auckland. —One case under " The Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, 1895," for charging fees in excess of those allowed; penalty, £1, with £1 16s. costs, and conviction indorsed on license. One case under "The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," for failing to close on afternoon of day appointed for half-holiday ; penalty, 55., with £1 16s. costs. Only this light penalty was inflicted as defendant had closed on another day of the week. Wellington. —Two cases under " The Factories Act, 1894 " : One for allowing females to take meals in the workroom ; penalty, 55., with £1 Bs. costs. One for working girls for longer time than allowed by overtime permit; penalty, £5, with £1 Bs. costs. One case under "The Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 1894," for failing to close shop on afternoon appointed for half-holiday; penalty, £1, with £1 Is. costs. Christchurch. —One case under " The Factories Act, 1894," for failing to give employes under age the Saturday half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with £1 Bs. costs. Dunedin. —One case under "The Factories Act, 1894," for failing to give female employe the Saturday half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with 19s. 6d. costs. Invercargill. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to give the halfholiday to employe; penalty, 10s., with 7s. costs. March, 1897. Auckland. —One case under the Servants' Eegistry Offices Act, for charging excessive fees (two charges). Penalty, 10s., with £2 6s. costs on first charge ; second charge withdrawn, defendant refunding excess of fee. Napier. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for employing clerks beyond time prescribed; penalty, £2 55., with £1 12s. costs. Wanganui. —Eight cases : Seven under the Factories Act, for employing lads under eighteen years of age on Saturday afternoon; penalties, 10s., with 9s. costs in each case. One under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close shop on the half-holiday ; penalty, £1, with 9s. costs. Christchurch. —Three cases : One under the Factories Act, for employing persons on Saturday afternoon; penalty, 10s., with £1 Bs. costs. Two cases under the Shops and Shop-assistant Act: One for failing to close shop on half-holiday, the other for failing to post notice showing hours of employment; penalty, 10s., with £1 Bs. costs in each case. Palmerston South. —One case under the Shops and Shop-assistants Act, for failing to close on the half-holiday; penalty, 10s., with £1 17s. costs.