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No. 4

The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Postmaster-General, Adelaide. Post and Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Sir,— Wellington, 29th June, 1897. I have the honour to refer to your letter of the 28th April last [not printed] in connection with the reduced cable rates between the Australasian Colonies and China-Japan, to come into force on the Ist proximo, and the question of agreeing to Queensland participating in the reduced cable rates generally, My telegrams of the 18th [not printed] and 28th instant will have informed you that this colony agrees to the proposed reduction in the rates to China-Japan, and has no objection to Queensland sharing in the reduced charges generally, provided that colony will join in the international and New Zealand guarantees, including the engagements for the Tasmanian cables. I have, &c, Thomas Rose, The Postmaster-General, Adelaide. For the Secretary.

No. 5. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Melbourne, Bth July, 1897. From to-day, rate from Queensland to New Zealand four shillings and sixpence first ten words; sixpence each additional word. Respective proportions same as for rate from New Zealand to Queensland.

PBOPOSED PACIFIC CABLE. No. 6. The Hon. the Premier, Adelaide, to the Hon. the Premier, Wellington. (Telegram.) Adelaide, 26th October, 1896. Referring to previous correspondence, and to the cable intimation that Canada is appointing a third representative to Pacific Conference, we should be very glad of your co-operation in a recommendation that our Agent-General, the Hon. Thomas Playford, be appointed a third Commissioner for Australasia. He represented this colony at Ottawa, and is thoroughly acquainted with the question in all its bearings. Will you kindly favour us with an early reply ?

No. 7. The Hon. the Premier, Hobart, to the Hon. the Premier, Wellington. (Telegram.) Hobart, 26th October, 1896. 1 concur appointment Playford third representative Pacific Conference.

No. 8. The Hon. the Premier, Wellington, to the Hon. the Premiers, Brisbane and Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 30th October, 1896. Pacific cable: Referring to Canada appointing third representative, the Premier South Australia solicits our co-operation in recommending appointment Hon. Mr. Playford as third representative for colonies. While I favour a third representative, lam not clear that South Australia's proposal should be agreed to, and have deferred replying until I learn your views. Have wired in similar terms to Premier {|^f s " e a^e j ■ Will be obliged for early reply.

No. 9. The Hon. the Premier and Colonial Treasurer, Sydney, to the Hon. the Premier, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 3rd November, 1896. Pacific cable : Your telegram of thirtieth ultimo received.

No. 10. The Hon. the Premier, Brisbane, to the Hon. the Premier, Wellington. (Telegram.) Brisbane, 4th November, 1896. South Australia has not communicated with us re appointment of Playford as third representative Pacific Cable Conference, but we are not disposed to co-operate in recommendation, preferring appointment of Sir Henry Norman or Sir Edwyn Dawes.