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5. State the provisions of the Habeas Corpus Act. Under what conditions was it passed ? 6. What part was taken by Halifax in the Great Revolution ? 7. Name the greatest British general between 1799 and 1837. Give some account of his career, and state the results of his most important victories. 8. Write a brief essay on James 11. and another on William 111. 9. State the effects of the repeal of the corn-laws in Great Britain.

History. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. What peculiar difficulties beset William 111. in forming a Ministry? What was the character of his first Ministry ? Name four of the leading members of it. 2. What great constitutional change, in progress during the Stuart period, was completed on the accession of the House of Hanover ? 3. Discuss Walpole's right to be considered a great finance Minister. Account for the prevalence of bribery at that period. 4. England has recently been accused of enriching herself in a great war, and "finally robbing her exhausted allies of the fruits of their victories by calmly going over to the enemy " : to what action on the part of England does this refer ? Show how far the charge may be justified, and to what extent it is without foundation. 5. Eelate in detail Burgoyne's disasters, and Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown. 6. What three great acts of injustice and cruelty was Warren Hastings charged with ? Give the history of each of them. 7. Describe the industrial development of England in the last forty years of the 18th century. 8. Who were the leading members of the Ministry of All the Talents ? What was their policy, their most useful measure, and the cause of their resignation ? 9. What do you know of George Canning, Lord Castlereagh, Lord Wellesley, Lord Grey ?

Latin. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Decline, in the singular number only, quivis homo; uterque consul; unum nomen; acs grave. How are adverbs usually formed—(l) from adjectives of the first and second declensions; (2) from adjectives of the third declension ? Give the comparatives and superlatives of graviter; acriter; bene; male; prope. Give the parts of veto; fallo; gaudeo; vincio; fundo; suadeo; aufero. 2. Mention some verbs which govern the dative case. What is the Latin for " I am persuaded " ? How is motion to a place expressed in Latin—(l) in the case of common nouns, such as urbs, insula, regio; (2) in the case of proper names ? What are the so-called supines, and how are they used? Explain the formation of the ordinary future infinitive passive. 3. Translate into Latin :— Csesar was able to conquer his enemies, but he was not able to conquer envy. My son, do not follow evil examples. He says that he is sorry for his folly. He fortified the camp that he might the more easily keep off the enemy. Do you suppose that this great universe was made by chance ? The general was afraid that the troops would not be able to stand against the charge of the cavalry. (Note. —Universe, mundus; to stand against, sustinere.) 4. Translate:— De adventu Xerxis cum faina in Greßciam esset perlata, Athenienses miserunt Delphos consultum quidnam facerent de rebus suis. Deliberantibus Pythia respondit ut moenibus ligneis se munirent. Id responsum quo valeret cum intelligeret nemo, Themistocles persuasit consilium esse Apollinis ut in naves se suaque conferrent; cum enim a deo significari murum ligneum. Tali consilio probato addunt ad superiores totidem naves triremes suaque omnia quee moveri poterant partim Salamina, partim Troezena deportant: arcem sacerdotibus paucisque majoribus natu ad sacra procuranda tradunt, reliquum oppidum relinquunt.

French. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed; 3 hours. 1. Translate into English— L'aimable ignorant prit alors la parole, et dit: Vous avez tres bien remarque, madame, que la grande fin de l'homme est de reussir dans la societe: de bonne foi est-ce par les sciences qu'on obtient cc succes ? S'est-on jamais avise dans la bonne compagme de parler de geometric ? Demande-t-on jamais aun honnete homme quel astre se leve aujourd'hui avec le soleil ? S'informe-t-on a souper si Clodion le Chevelu passa la Bhin ? Non, sans doute, s'ecria la marquise de la Jeannotiere, que ses charmes avaient initiee quelquefois dans le beau monde; et monsieur mon fils ne doit point eteindre son genie par l'etude de tous ces fatras. Mais enfin que lvi apprendra-t--on ? Oar il est bon qu'un jeune seigneur puisse briller dans l'occasion, comme dit monsieur mon 3—E. lα.