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Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. OTAGO—continued.

o.S "A* o to .as 1° qj O Eβ rd a ° O02 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. 68 £» If Mainti Bxpe: iditure for thi jnance. Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. I Eβ 9 5 9 Annual ! § 5 Salary and i ■« S α-s Allowance i °s "2 § at the Kate : Sa of! paid during "i™ g$ the Last g^ 2 Quarter of ' *3 £ the Year. &h Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 67 Dunedin City[B]— ctd. Normal — continued. Arthur Street High Street 5!) 1,297 11 6 £ s. d. 113 4 0 £ s. d. & 43 13 5 s. d. Angus Marshall William Mawson .. Jessie Low Lydia Anderson William Renfcon Ellen Jane Chalmers Lilian Prances Jones Mary A. P. Waugh.. Christina McOullooh Florence Alice Jones Elizabeth Grey Aris John H. Chapman .. Isabella Rennie Hay Richard J. Barrett .. Peter G. Stewart .. Hughina I. MacLeod A. G. Robertson Isabella McLandress William R. Cook .. Mary Ann White .. Harriet C. Meikle .. Daisy Mary Orkney James Waddell Smith Annie C. Anderson .. John S. Tennant .. John A. Robertson .. Jessie Cairns James Robertson .. E. S. Beveridge Alice Mary Andrew Helen C. W. Johnson Sarah Cameron E. W. Saunders Harry R. Urquhart C. T. O'Connor C2 C4 D3 Dl E2* D2 D2 D2 D3 B4 AM AM AF FP MP FP FP FP FP FP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM AF MP FP FP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM AF AF FP FP FP MP FP £ s. a. 170 0 0: 110 0 0 95 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 316 0 0 140 10 0 231 0 0 185 0 0 115 0 0 114 0 0 80 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 338 0 0 158 0 0 220 0 0 215 0 0 105 0 0 133 0 0 85 0 0 80 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 519 58 60 1,506 17 4 117 15 0 ! 150 4 11 CI El B2 Dl E2 D2 D3 D3 627 128 r>!) 00 61 62 63 Peninsula— Anderson's Bay Tomahawk North-east Harbour Highcliff .. Broad Bay 01 69 63 64 65 352 9 10 75 0 0 150 5 0 270 8 10 134 15 0 35 0 0 9 15 0 12 0 0 24 0 0 12 0 0 94 5 10 19 16 G James Jeffery Janet J. Walden .. Edith Wilson Rose Mildred Davey Alexander Pirie Elizabeth Pirie John Whyte Annie H. Barnett .. John Francis Botting M. McLachlan James Barton Catherine G. Weir .. Jamea William Hardy Mrs. Hardy Effie M. P. Morgan James Alexander Jack Marion Ross George Balsille Clara Ellen Chalmer Dl D3 A4 D2 D2 D3 D2 El D3 D2 HM AF FP F M S HM AF M S HM AF M S F M S HM AF 226 16 8 109 0 0 20 0 0 70 0 0; 139 0 0i 12 0 0 180 0 0! 85 0 a 124 0 0 10 0 0 181 0 0 80 0 0 150 0 0 17 0 0 90 0 0 152 0 0 20 0 0 185 0 0 80 0 0 18 24 53 21 55 64 Portobello.. 66 263 0 0 24 0 0 ! 48 6 8 65 Otakou 67 153 1G 4 14 10 0 42 8 11 35 66 67 Taiaroa Head Hooper Inlet 68 69 87 10 0 171 10 0 11 5 0 17 0 0 15 8 0 36 11 1 D3 D2 21 38 68 Sandymount 70 264 0 0 24 0 0' 02 D3 57 69 Taieri— Leith Valley 71 197 0 0 17 0 0 36 5 9 Charles G. Smeaton Ellen Lumb Jessie Mitchell D2 M S Mon. 172 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 44 Roslyn [B] — Wakari 363 0 0 35 0 0 55 6 7 William A. Paterson Jessie C. Christie .. Marion F. Early .. William C. Allnutt.. Mary McEwan James M. E. Garrow Henry P. Kelk Jane Wilson Mary Callender Horace R. Fisher .. Jane Campbell Mary Alexander George A. Calder .. Mabel A. Tayler .. Margaret H. Stewart Joseph Hunter Jane Pilkington Alexander Kyle Janet Mclntosh D2 D2 HM AF FP HM AF AM AM AF AF AM AF AF MP FP FP MP FP HM AF 219 0 0 109 0 0 35 0 0 362 10 0 150 10 0 242 10 0 207 10 0 116 10 0 105 0 0 124 0 0 95 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 300 0 0 131 10 0 112 70 72 Kaikorai 1,719 5 0 128 0 0 313 9 9 Dl E2 C2 El E2 E2 E3 D3 D3 734 71 7:1 72 Mornington [B] 71 1,199 13 4 90 0 0 15 15 5 Dl E2 450