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And there are now in hand, exclusive of main trunk lines, several short sections totalling to about SO miles, most of them near completion. Honourable members will, I think, admit that in nearly every case the work done will increase the earning-power of the portions of the lines completed up to January, 1891. STATE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND. On the 31st March, 1896, the available ways and means for public-works purposes amounted to £134,418. Under the legislation of last session the following additional sums were made available, viz. : — Public Works Fund— Railways ... ... ... ... ... £250,000 Development of goldfields ... ... ... 200,000 Development of thermal springs and natural scenery ... ... ... ... 50,000 £500,000 Lands Improvement Account ... ... ... ... 250,000 Native Lands Purchase Account ... ... ... ... 250,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... £1,000,000 The sum of £150,000 was transferred from revenue during the year, while sundry credits to the amount of £18,656 (including released sinking funds) were also received, thus bringing up the total ways and means available to £1,303,074. The expenditure under the heads above mentioned was £663,915, thus leaving a" balance at the end of the year of £639,159. The following table shows the position as on the 31st March last at a glance : —

It is now proposed to merge all these accounts in the Public Works Fund, and to supplement that fund for the services of the current year as follows:— Transfer from revenue ... ... ... ... ... £300,000 To be specially raised for additions to open lines ... ... ... £200,000 „ „ school-buildings ... ... ... 25,000 „ „ technical schools ... ... ... 25,000 _£550,000 In addition to this sum it is expected that sundry credits will come to hand to the amount of probably £5,000, thus bringing the gross total ways and means up to £1,194,159. The estimates of expenditure which I now have the honour to submit to the House provide for a total outlay of £1,021,570, of which £977,592 will be a charge against the Public Works Fund and £43,978 against the Government Loans to Local -Bodies Account, so that a credit balance of £216,567 will probably remain in the Public Works Fund at the close of the year. RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I will now give a brief statement of the principal works undertaken on the several lines of railway under construction since my last Statement was delivered, and what is proposed to be done during the current year.

Fund or Account. Balances, 31st March, 1896. Augmentation under Act of 1896. Transferred from Bevenue. C2 r-4 p, --4 , CO ago ■r- C3 CL3 02 fl £.3 o CS-ici if H f4 ID O 03 u . 2 Citca i* cc — i33 «5 Public Works Fund— Part I. Part II. Lands Improvement Account Native Lands Purchase Account £ 31,150 13,928 52,625 36,720 £ 500,000 £ 150,000' £ 15,275 £ 696,425 13,923 306,003 286,723 £ 414,062 13,923 106,930 129,000 282,363 250,000 250,000 3,378 3 199,073 157,723 134,418 1,000,000 150,000 18,656 1,303,074 663,915 639,159