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STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1897, compared with the Sums voted under "The Appropriation Act, 1896."


Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued ■IN Expenditure. Net Expenditure. Advances. Excess. Credits. Total. 1 2 3 Class I.—Legislative Department :— Legislative Council House of Representatives General Expenses £ s. d. 1,840 11 2 4,080 6 1 14,409 0 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,840 11 2 4,086 6 1 14,401 11 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,840 11 2 4,086 6 1 14,401 11 1 £ s. d. 1,760 0 0 4,257 0 0 14,765 0 0 £ s. d. 170 13 11 363 8 11 £ s. d. 80 11 2 *7 9 5 Total Class I. 20,335 17 9 7 9 5 20,328 8 4 20,328 8 4 20,782 0 0 534 2 10 80 11 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Class II. —Colonial Seceetahy's Department: — Minister's Salary Clerk of Executive Council Colonial Secretary's Office Ministers' Secretaries Messengers and Office-keepers Electoral Department Audit Office I'egistrar-General's Department Agent-General's Department Printing and Stationery Miscellaneous Services .. 400 0 0 50 0 0 1,550 0 0 711 19 10 4,049 17 1 18,332 6 4 7,929 1 5 20,275 14 10 4,478 12 9 38,659 4 3 22,813 0 1 9 0 8 610 7 0 2,716 6 2 13 4 6 248 13 9 12,957 7 2 773 4 4 400 0 0 50 0 0 1,550 0 0 711 19 10 4,040 16 5 17,721 19 4 5,212 15 3 20,262 10 4 4,229 19 0 25,701 17 1 22,039 15 9 967 8 6 159 6 7 400 0 0 50 0 0 1,550 0 0 711 19 10 4,040 16 5 18,689 7 10 5,372 1 10 20,262 10 4 4,229 19 0 25,701 17 1 22,607 16 5 400 0 0 50 0 0 1,615 0 0 650 0 0 4,088 0 0 17,300 0 0 5,534 0 0 20,145 O 0 4,350 0 0 27,391 0 0 21,006 0 0 65 0 0 47 3 7 61 19 10 1,389 7 10 161 18 2 117 10 4 568* 0 8 120 1 0 1,689 2 11 1,601 16 5 Total Class II, 119,249 16 7 17,328 3 7 101,921 13 0 1,694 15 9 103,616 8 9 102,529 0 0 2,083 5 8 3,170 14 5 15 16 17 IS Class III. —Colonial Treasuber's Department: — Treasury Department .. Friendly Societies' Registry Office Land- and Income-tax Department Treasury: Miscellaneous Services .'. 6,860 19 10 1,096 11 5 10,959 8 9 12,122 10 10 78 3 4 90 4 6 1,035 18 10 6,782 16 6 1,096 11 5 10,869 4 3 11,086 12 0 42* 16 8 100 0 0 6,782 16 6 1,096 11 5 10,912 0 11 11,186 12 0 6,797 0 0 1,140 0 0 10,940 0 0 9,780 0 0 14 3 6 43 8 7 27 19 1 1,406 12 0 Total Class III. 31,039 10 10 1,204 6 8 29,835 4 2 142 16 8 29,978 0 10 28,657 0 0 85 11 2 1,406 12 0 1!) 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 Class IV.—Justice Department :— Department of Justice Crown Law Office Supreme Court Bankruptcy .. .. District, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts Native Land Court .. .. ... Validation of Native Titles Criminal Prosecutions Coroners Prisons .. Office of Industries and Commerce Miscellaneous Services 1,789 12 2 I 2,405 0 0 5,840 15 5 1 4,802 1 9 I 44,722 18 9 ! 14,016 8 1 1,294 6 2 12,720 10 4 2,403 7 11 29,252 8 5 1,960 17 6 4,616 15 8 25 0 0 2 12 6 5 15 2 59 3 7 16 13 4 139 9 10 2,141 3 6 12 3 3 128 16 0 1,764 12 2 2.402 7 6 5,840 15 5 4,796 6 7 44,663 15 2 14,010 8 1 1,277 12 10 12,581 0 6 2.403 7 11 27,111 4 11 .1,948.14 3 4,487 19 8 Ill 11 2 15 4 8 286 2 0 502 8 2 1,764 12 2 2.402 7 6 5,952 6 7 4,811 11 3 44,949 17 2 14,518 16 3 1,277 12 10 13,581 8 3 2.403 7 11 27,242 3 4 1,948 14 3 4,487 19 8 1,770 0 0 2,405 0 0 6,130 0 0 5,447 0 0 43,921 0 0 14,065 0 0 1,800 0 0 12,350 0 0 2,500 0 0 27,782 0 0 2,177 0 0 4,860 0 0 5 7 10 2 12 6 177 13 5 635 8 9 1,028 17 2 453 16 3 1,000* 7 9 522 7 2 1,231 8 3 13018 5 96 12 1 539 16 8 228 5 9 372 0 4 Total Class IV. 125,825 2 2 2,530 17 2 123,294 5 0 2,046 12 2 125,340 17- 2 125,207. 0 0 2,580 4 6 2,714 1 8