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Mr. J. C. Hanna attended and concluded his statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. : During Mr. Hanna's evidence, Mr. Montgomery desired, as a question, to quote a report from Mr. Hanna to Mr. John Murray, dated 9th June, 1894 (pp. 291-93), of Legislative Council Report No. 2, 1896. Hon. Mr. Seddon, as a point of order, asked if it could be put in and recorded as a question, or if it should not be put in as an exhibit. The Chairman ruled that it could be handed in, and it would be taken as an exhibit. Mr. Montgomery desired to put in a letter from Mr. J. C. Hanna to Mr. J. Murray, dated the Bth August, 1894, page 293, Legislative Council Report, 1596, No. 2. Hon. Mr. Seddon asked if the letter relates to private business; and, if so, could it be put'ih unless writtings-off were shown. Mr. Montgomery then asked if he could put the letter in without the names of the persons' relating to private business. The Chairman ruled that, as Mr. Cooper, counsel for the Bank of New Zealand, objected to the letter being put in, as it relates to private accounts and persons, the letter could not be put in. Mr. Montgomery then desired to put in several other letters from the Legislative Council's Report. Hon. Mr. Seddon asked, as a point of order, if the letters could be taken into consideration which had been dealt with in another place. The Chairman ruled that any documents which might be handed in should be handed in by the witness, Mr. Hanna, and not as received from another place. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That Messrs. Meek, Evans, and Brown be requested to attend at 11 o'clock to-morrow. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Hutchison, That Mr. Henry Mackenzie be requested to attend to-morrow to give evidence. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Montgomery, That a cablegram be sent to Mr. John Murray, asking him (1.) Whether he received a confidential communication on or about the 9th June, 1894, from Mr. Hanha giving information as to the position of the Estates Company, and suggesting a Government guarantee? (2.) Whether he communicated particulars of such information to the Ministry prior to the 30th June, 1894 ? At 1.30 p.m., Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the Committee adjourn until to-morrow at 11 o'clock.

Tuesday, 29th September, 1896. Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman read a letter dated 28th September, 1896, from Mr. J. M. Butt, as to evidence given by him on the 23rd instant. Resolved, on motion of the Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the letter be returned to Mr. Butt with an intimation that if he desired to give his evidence, he should do so by attending personally before the Committee. Thomas Meek, flour-miller, Oamaru, attended, and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. William Evans, flour-miller, Timaru, attended, and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken dowu by the reporter. David Hastings Brown, flour-miller, Christchurch, attended, and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Walter George Foster recalled, and made a further statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That Mr. G. E. Tolhurst, Inspector-in-Chief for New Zealand of the Union Bank of Australia, be summoned to attend to-morrow to give evidence. At 1.10 p.m., Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the Committee do now adjourn until 10.30 o'clock to-morrow.

Wednesday, 30th September, 1896. Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Guinness, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. The Chairman read the following cablegram as received from Mr. Murray : " Have no recollection such statement, or of seeing it among my papers. Did not communicate particulars to Government." George Edmeades Tolhurst, Inspector-in-Chief, Union Bank of Australia, attended, and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Henry Mackenzie, General Manager, Bank of New Zealand, attended and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. The Chairman announced that the takiug of evidence was now closed. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, That the taking of evidence, with exception c>[ deliberating and deciding on Mr. Murray's replies, and admitting of papers promised, having been completed, this Committee proceed to-morrow to elect a sub-committee, for the purpose of preparing a draft report.