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Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Upon the question being put, "That the minutes as read be confirmed," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 4. —Mr. Graham, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon. Noes, 4. —Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Tanner. And the votes being equal, the Chairman gave his casting-vote with the "Ayes." So it was resolved in the affirmative. The minutes were then confirmed. Mr. William Watson attended and made a further statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Mr. Watson handed in—(1) Memorandum of Trading Concerns held by the Bank of New Zealand Estates Company at 28th August, 1895 ; (2) Transfer of Bank of New Zealand Shares, London Register ; (3) Staff-officers retired —and the same were marked as Exhibits Nos. 45, 46, and 47. During Mr. Watson's examination Hon. Mr. Seddon handed in a statement of assets and liabilities of Bank of New Zealand, 25th June, 1894, in New Zealand and Australia, with covering letter from Mr. John Murray, and the same was marked as Exhibit No. 48. During Mr. Watson's examination Hon. Mr. Seddon desired to ask Mr. Watson a question upon a certain letter, dated the 25th June, 1894, from Mr. John Murray to Hon. the Premier. Mr. Hutchison, as a point of order, asked, " I ask the Chairman to rule as to whether a document handed by the Premier to the witness (understood to be a letter, dated the 25th June, 1894, from Mr. John Murray to the Premier, and of which the witness says there is no record in the bank) can be received in evidence through this witness, instead of being produced by Mr. Murray or by the Premier when giving evidence hefore the Committee." The Chairman said that there can be no objection to the letter being read, and it was read accordingly. Mr. Hutchison objected to a further letter, dated the 29th June, 1894, from Mr. John Murray to Hon. the Premier, being read. The Chairman said that, as the letters were most important, he would rule that they could be admitted. Mr. Hutchison asked if the letters read should form part of the evidence, as he objected unless the whole of the letters on the subject were handed in. The Chairman ruled that the letters read may be treated as evidence. Mr. Montgomery gave notice to move on Wednesday next, That Hon. R. J. Seddon be requested to give evidence, and to produce all letters, papers, and documents in the possession, custody, or control of the Government, relating to matters comprised in the order of reference. At 1.10 p.m. Mr. Hutchison moved, That the Committee do now adjourn until 2 p.m. to-day. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, by way of amendment, 10.30 o'clock to-morrow. And, the question being put, " That '2 o'clock to-day' stand," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Aye, 1. —Mr. Hutchison. Noes, 7. —Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. So it passed in the negative. The amendment was then put as the substantive motion, and it was resolved in the affirmative, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.

Tuesday, Ist September, 1896. Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. McGowam Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Mr. William Watson attended and made a further statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Hon. Mr. Seddon desired that a letter dated the 12th September, 1894, Colonial Treasurer to Hon. the Premier, be put in in evidence. Mr. Hutchison objected, unless produced by the writer or the receiver thereof, as a witness. The Chairman said, as the letter had an important bearing upon the matters under inquiry, he would rule that the letter can be handed in. Further on, Hon. Mr. Seddon desired to hand in the following letters: Colonial Treasurer to General Manager Bank of New Zealand, dated the 9th October, 1893; General Manager Bank of New Zealand to Colonial Treasurer, dated the 27th October, 1893; memorandum by Secretary to the Treasury, dated the 4th January, 1894; memorandum thereon by Hon. Mr. Ward, dated the 12th January, 1894. Mr. Hutchison objected, unless the same were handed in by the writers or receivers of the letters in question. Mr. Watson said, as the correspondence was marked "Confidential," he would prefer to consult the board of directors before consenting to the correspondence being handed in, and the matter stood over accordingly. Certain other correspondence between the Government and the Bank of New Zealand was handed in, and marked as Exhibits Nos. 49 to 52 inclusive. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the Chairman apply for a further extension of three weeks in which to bring up the Committee's report.