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and to produce—(l) Copy of the articles of association and memorandum of incorporation of the association ; (2) the original share-register of the association, and applications for and allotments and transfers of shares; (3) the original balance-sheets and directors' reports of the association; (4) up to the 31st December, 1895, all the original books of account, letter-books, original letters and telegrams (as received), and all other documents, papers, and writings relating to the affairs of the association, including the originals of all bills of exchange, or promissory notes, drafts, and cheques retired or returned ; (5) a copy of the articles of association and memorandum of incorporation of the Ocean Beach Refrigerating Company (Limited), and all books of accounts and records of such company, including copies of all circulars issued for or by the company ; (6) copies of income-tax returns of association made in 1893 and 1894, &c.; (7) all other books, documents, papers, and writings relating to the matters respectively above mentioned and now in his possession, custody, or control as such liquidator. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, by way of amendment, to strike out all the words after " Dunedin," with a view to inserting other words. During the discussion, Mr. McGowan asked, Is it not in evidence, on the sworn testimony of Mr. Booth and Mr. Watson, a director, and the President oi the Bank of New Zealand, that there was no writing-off in connection with the J. G. Ward Association? The Chairman replied, Both Mr. Booth and Mr. Watson have stated upon oath, and have reiterated the statement, that there have been no writings-off by the Bank of New Zealand in connection with the J. G. Ward Association. Upon the question being put, " That the words proposed to be struck out stand part of the question," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 2.—Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Montgomery. Noes, 6.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. So it passed in the negative. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved to insert, in lieu of the words struck out, the words, " be ordered to be in readiness to attend as a witness." ' And the question being put, " That the words proposed to be inserted be so inserted," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow : — Ayes, 7. —Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. No, 1. —Mr. Hutchison. So it was resolved in the affirmative. Mr. Montgomery proposed to add, " and to bring with him all documents in any way connected with the subject-matter of the order of reference." And the question being put, " That the words proposed to be added be so added," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 2.—Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Montgomery. Noes, 6.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. So it passed in the negative. The original motion as amended was then put, and it was resolved in the affirmative. Mr. Hutchison moved to renew motion rejected on Friday, 24th July, for the production by the liquidators of the Colonial Bank of the books and documents relating to the various transactions between that bank and the Ward Association. Hon. Mr. Seddon asked, as a point of order, If a member can move a resolution which has been previously negatived ? The Chairman stated that, his attention being called to the matter, he would rule that Mr. Hutchison should first move that the previous resolution of the Committee be rescinded. Mr. Hutchison moved, That members of Committee hand in by Thursday morning such questions, being within the order of reference, as they may desire to have answered by Mr. John Murray; and, on such questions being approved by the Committee, on receipt of answers to such questions as are so approved, the same, together with the statement already received, be taken into consideration by the Committee as to whether the whole should be treated as evidence. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved to strike out " Thursday " and insert " Friday," and to strike out all the words after the word " Committee " last occurring. A discussion ensued. Hon. Mr. McKenzie moved, That the further consideration of the debate be adjourned. And the question being put, "That the debate be adjourned," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow : — Ayes, 5. —Mr. Graham, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. Noes, 3. —Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Montgomery. So it was resolved in the affirmative, and the debate was adjourned accordingly. Mr. Hutchison gave notice to move next Wednesday, That the motion of the 24th July, as to documents to be produced by Messrs. Keith Ramsay, William Brown Vigers, and William Laurence Simpson, be rescinded, and the above-named persons be summoned to attend to give evidence, and to produce —(1.) Copy deed of settlement of the bank. (2.) The balance-sheets and reports of directors since the Ist January, 1893. (3.) The original share-register of the bank. (4.) The original books of account, reports of bank inspectors, managers, and agents, press-copy letters, original letters and telegrams as received, and all other documents, papers, and writings dealing with or relating to the accounts and affairs of the J. G. Ward Farmers' Association (Limited), and of (since January, 1892) the Hon. Joseph George Ward, including (among other documents com-