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Nos. 361 and 376. —Petitions of Alexandee Young and 4,000 Others, of Dunedin; and Eeancis Teask and 142 Others; of Nelson. Petitionees pray that the issue of bottle licenses may not be prohibited by law. I am directed to report that, as there is legislation now before the House on the subject-matter of the petitions, the Committee recommends they be referred to the Government. 27th August, 1896.

Nos. 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 372, and 373.—Petitions of James Doull and 33 Others, Samuel Whiebuen and 33 Others, Chaeees Macdonald and 33 Others, David Maetin and 40 Others, Agnes McMeckin and 5 Others, James Beowall and 46 Others, and Jambs McKeeeass and 33 Others. Petitionees state that gambling is widely prevalent, and is a growing evil. They pray that legislation may be introduced in order to suppress the same. I am directed to report that, as there is legislation now before the House on the subject-matter of the petitions, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 27th August, 1896. .

No. 165.—Petition of John Mynott, of New Plymouth. Petitionee prays that he may be refunded the sum of £28, being amount of costs incurred in defending a proposed prosecution for a violation of " The Dairy Act, 1894." I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th September, 1896.

No. 360.—Petition of A. J. Wingfield and 41 Others, of Otago. Petitionees pray that the road from Findlater's to the Big Hill may be constructed. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 10th September, 1896.

No. 415.—Petition of Baetholomew O'Boubke, of South Canterbury. Petitionee states that while a prisoner working on Quail Island, Lyttelton, he received an injury to one of his legs which laid him up in the Timaru Hospital for five weeks. He prays that he may be granted compensation. I am directed to report that, as no negligence has been shown on the part of the medical practitioner to the Lyttelton Gaol, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 16th September, 1896.

No. 375. —Petition of Maegaeet Wyatt, of Wellington. Petitionee states that, owing to failing health, increasing age, and the effects of an accident, she was compelled to resign her position as charwoman in the service of the Postal Department. She prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony. 16th September, 1896.

No. 396. —Petition of Geoege Moeton and 14 Others, of the Lower Waihao. Petitionees pray that the ratepayers of the Lower Waihao district may be exempt from the payment of any tax levied for the erection of rabbit-fences, &c. I am directed to report that, as there is legislation now before the House on the subject-matter of the petition, the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Minister in charge of the Bill. 16th September, 1896.

No. 387. —Petition of James Boulston and 131 Others, of Pukekohe. Petitionees state that in the year 1891 the district of Pukekohe was deprived of certain lands used as a public domain by an Act of the General Assembly. They pray that they may be granted such compensation as will enable the district to purchase a suitable property for use as a public domain. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 22nd September, 1896.

No. 422.—Petition of Heney Phillips, of Auckland. Petitionee prays that certain clauses in the Bankruptcy Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government. 23rd September, 1896.

No. 454. —Petition of John Smith, of Masterton. Petitionee prays that he may be granted some recognition of his military services to the colony. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd September, 1896.