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No. of Sheep on April 30, 1895. April 30, 1896. Kime, Henry, Springston King, G., Burwood King, J. J., Killinchy King, W., Springfield Kingsbury, Seth, AyleBbury Kinley, Joseph, St. Albans Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, H., St. Alban's Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill Knight, Silas, Rolleston Kruse, D., Papanui Ladbrook, J., Sockburn Lamport, T., Glentunnel Lane, H. B., Christchurch Langdale, James, Coalgate Langdon and Steele, Christchurch Larcombe, F., Broadfield Law, Agnes, Weedons ' ... Leahy, James, Executors of, e/o P. McEvedy, Southbridge Lean, W. S., Yaldhurst Lee, M. J., Annat Lee, Moses, Glentunnel Lee, Mrs. Sarah, Glentunnel Legg, James, West Melton Lemon, Martha, Doyleston Lemon, Mrs. W. J.,-Killinchy Lennie, J., Springfield LeBlie, H., Upper Riccarton Leslie, H. J. P., Courtenay Levick, H., Whitecliffs Lewis, C-, Halswell Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel Lilley, James, Southbridge Lilley, W., Waddington Limbrick, G. L., Taitapu Lindemann, G., Tai Tapu Lloyd, E., Greenpark Locker, R., Greendale Lockhead, J., jun., Leeston Lockhead, John, Dunsandel Lockhead, R. and J., Leeston Lock head, R. W., Lincoln Long, W., Darfield Long, William, Weedons Lord, Thomas, Burnham Lorett, Joseph, Hororata Low, Mrs. Alexander, Dunsandel Low, Levi, Rolleston Lowery, J., Killinchy Lowery, W., Killinchy Ludeminn, T., Lakeside Macdonald, F. A., Bankside, Rakaia MacLeod, John, Templeton Maddison, J., Templeton Madeley, T. Springfield Maffey, Richard, Hororata Magon, A., Greenpark Maguines, J., Templeton Maguiness, W. J., Southbridge Mangels, Johann, Tai Tapu Mangels, John, Tai Tapu Mangin Brothers, Yaldhurst Manion, P. Weedons, RolleBton Mann, J. O, Russell's Flat Manning and Russell, Southbridge. c/o S. Manning, Christchurch Manson, James, Kimberley Manson, James, jun., Kimberley Manson, R., Southbridge Manson, William, Kimberley Marshall, D., Lakeside Marshall, E., Springston Marshall, George, Weedons Marshall, J., Doyleston Marshall, John, Springston Marshall, W., Leeston Matheson, D. G., Ayresdale, Springfield Matheson, Duncan, and Sons, Grassdale, Springfield Matheson, J., Darfield Mathias, Lewis, Leeston Matthews, William, Springston Matthew", Zacharias, Yaldhurst 242 41 180 792 .393 300 557 12 7600 49i 105 20 ■93 40 597 300 183 56 190 390 6.3 .39 42 ■55 20 15 1 18 60 94 294 1100 '5 28.3 12 551 12.3 12 285 200 747 4;6 895 172 795 63 2.37 121 118 45 296 95 20 138 297 656 Nil 166 15 6704 139 Nil 42 191 Nil 600 120 106 47 270 496 2.37 29 56 5° 8 50 90 '5 1 2 7° 5.36 1095 21 160 96 3.3° 98 Nil 468 266 569 126 552 97 595 84 202 16 136 78 399 757 Nil 5.3 35 298 59 "5 520 34 295 Nil 176 65 35' 58 '35 Nil 216 285 Nil 6635 380 20 5.3'4 1.3° 88 61 164 200 191 362 265 3.34 28 300 1600 90 i95 196 300 374 243 224 5 287 1660 200 8.38 47 Nil 320 '87 58

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1895. April 30, 1896. Mawson, J. W., Dunsandel McBean, G., Springston McCabe, P., Doyleston McCarten, P., Southbridge McCarten, Mrs. Thomas, Weedon's McCarthy, D., Prebbleton McCarthy, Jeremiah, Prebbleton McCartney, T., Tai Tapu McCausland, C., Kimberley McCausland, T., Waddington McClelland, D., Southbridge McClelland, W. W., Kimberley McClennan, W., Halket McClure, G., Killinchy McConel, R., Christchurch McConkey, J., Doyleston McConnell, Miss M., Upper Riccarton McCormick, Thomas, Southbridge McCormick, W., Lakeside McCrostie, Hugh, Greendale McCoy, John, Rakaia McDonald, D., Leeston McDonald, John, Greenpark McDowall, G. A., Rakaia McDowall, Mrs., Belfast McDowall, Richard, Templeton MeDrury, P., Halswell McEvedy, Peter, Southbridge McGill, Ivie, Lakeside McGivern, D., Hororata McGivern, J., Hororata MeGoverin, T., Darfield McGregor, A., Burnham McGregor, Daniel, Tokomaru vi& Wellington Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllraith, D., Killinchy Mcllraith, James, Homebush Mcllraith, R., Southbridge Mcintosh, Ewen, Glenroy Mcintosh, James, Kirwee McKay, Alexander, Sockburn McKay, George, Halkett McKee, J., Killinchy McKee, T., Southbridge McKellar, John, Southbridge McKie, T. and W., Glenroy McKinlay, A., Lyttelton McKinnan, D., fiankside McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston McLachlan, J., Doyleston McLaughlin, Seaton, Dunsandel McLean, G., Greenpark McLenaghan, D., Killinchy McLennan, D., West Melton McLennan, William Halkett Town McMeehan, W., Springston McMillan, D., Waddington McMillan, D., Beachcroft, Southbridge McMillan, John, Dunsandel McMillan, W., Irwell McNae, Archibald, Courtenay McPhedran, D., Darfield McPherson, J. and H., Lakeside Meyer, J., Dunsandel Meyerhroff, H., Lincoln Miles, W., Fendalton Miller, Robert, Lincoln Miller, W., Ladbrook Milliken, John, Springfield Mills, Mrs. John, Greendale Milne, John, Halswell Minchin,W.(Exrs. of),Westwood,Waddington Monck, J. S., Sumner Mooney, P., Leeston Moon, William, Domain Grounds, Sydenham Moor, R., Brookside Moore, J. F., Courtenay Moore, John, Sheffield Moorhead, M, Southbridge Moorhead, T. and D. J., Leeston Moorhead, W., Southbridge Morrisb, Richard, Craigleigh, Springston Morten, R. M., Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch... 64 84 290 170 353 366 '53 57 65 400 547 22J 10 32 I40 342 IOI 2063 61 '259 50 102 Il6 705 IOO 182 203 910 4.91 18s 997 86 500 84 29 97 70 1190 51 39.3 989 3.39 24 63 5' 40 494 5' 72 10 217 9' 45° 43 383 500 92 Nil 400 Nil 150 Nil 12 126 197 82 1471 60 121 48 Nil 172 Nil 102 959 ' 35 237 183 86 669 515 582 198 21.35 .48 489 353 26 87 74 72 34 1194 82 Nil 1057 367 Nil 3.3.3 46 170 40 557 86 116 1300 2405 891 1344 262 Nil 3392 987 1198 57° .78 450 365 2 455 210 Nil 201 84 202 177 357 1869 728 37 213 48 302 542 381 1061 860 Nil 172 354 386 295 58 426 6800 398 155 46 189 360 196 29 563 7096