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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services,

;em. 1896-97. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES—continued. 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 VOTE No. 67— continued. Arrears of pension granted to G-. H. Dore, wounded in action, 1868—from July, 1870, to May, 1872 Cost of targets for testing ammunition at Auckland ... Repairs to torpedo-boat (Auckland) Proportion of Salary of Imperial Officer in London as Inspector of Warlike Stores For privilege of using Mount Eden Eifle-range New boiler for steam-launch " Gordon " Final expenses in connection with the meeting of the New Zealand Rifle Association, 1896 Expenses New Zealand Rifle Association meetiug, 1897 Moiety of expenses towards rebuilding the sea-wall of the military cemetery at Tauranga Volunteer camps of instruction ... Advance of passage-money to Lieutenant J. Waddell proceeding to Natal to join his regiment 69 150 155 165 225 330 24 25 450 500 20 27 75 1,500 48 Total—Vote No. 67 10,684 TOTAL OF CLASS XIII. 5,664