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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1895. 1896. Forrester, Mrs. Louisa, Hurunui Forrester, W., Hurunui Harbison, W. J., Hanmer Plasns Harland, Thomas, Rotherham Highsted, Stephen, Rotherham Holmes, T., Waiau Hood, R. W., Hanmer Plains Jones, E., Pahau Pastures, Culverden Jones, E., Waiau Stn. and Farm, Rotherham Lewis, W. D., Montrose, Culverden Low, W. A., St. Helen's, Clarence, and Acheron, Culverden Macfarlane, A., Achray, Rotherham Macfarlane, D. and A., Lyndon, Waiau Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... McArthur, John, St. James, Culverden McDonald, A., Sherwood, Waiau McDonald, Daniel, Hanmer Plains McRae, G. W., Glens of Tekoa (Christchurch) Rogers, J., Hanmer Ross, Malcolm, Rogerson, Hanmer Plains ... Rutherford, Duncan, Glynn Wye, Culverden Rutherford, Duncan, Leslie Hills, Culverden Rutherford, Walter, Sherwood, Waiau Rutherford, W. O., Montrose, Culverden ... Wharton, H, and Co., Highfield, Waiau ... Williamson, R., Rotherham Wilson, F. H, Culverden 496 496 292 55 100 394 5426 5554 49' 51865 1495° 40050 3332 3O950 Hi 496 496 IS 263 56 8.3 500 54oo 578o 438 42699 ■4454 38962 4204 27108 I9I44 54 700 22193 '7745 4440 20000 90 22 19300 9.3 700 21250 18200 4650 18707 39614 55 17460 41040 90 18446 CHEVIOT COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Aitken, Mrs. Christina, Cheviot Anderson, Jas., Cheviot Anstey, G. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau ... Auld, John, Cheviot Bainbridge, W., Cheviot Barker, L., Cheviot Barnes, F., Cheviot Barnes, George, Cheviot Barnes, J., Cheviot Beckett, J., Cheviot Black, W., Cheviot Bruce, William, Cheviot Burnett, Alexander, Cheviot Butt, H. Cheviot Butt, J., Cheviot Campbell, Mrs., Cheviot Childs, P., Port Robinson Coakley, T., Cheviot Corcoran, Thomas, Cheviot Craighead, A., Cheviot Crampton, G. W., Cheviot Crampton, J. J., Cheviot Crampton, M. H, Cheviot Cuthbert, W., Cheviot Dalton, E., Cheviot Denton, F. R., Domett Dillon, P', Domett Down, A., Cheviot Dunlop, E., Cheviot Evans, C. T., Cheviot Evans, John, Spotswood, Cheviot Fenwick, E. T., Cheviot Fitzpatrick, J., Cheviot Fitzsimmons, H., Cheviot Fitzsimmons, Patrick, Cheviot Flaherty, M., Cheviot Fleming, John, Cheviot Forbes Bros., Cheviot Forsyth, Thomas, Cheviot Fraser, D., Cheviot Fraser, James, Cheviot Gardiner, G., Cheviot Gee, T., Cheviot Gibson, J., Cheviot Gill, P., Cheviot Gillies, T., Domett Going, Catherine, Cheviot Hannah, W., Domett Hansen, J. N, Cheviot Hare, J., Cheviot Hilling, John, Cheviot 418,435 400,913 488 2.320 358oi 299 264 554 129 392 1830 35ioi 241 374 126.3 239 '54 138 300 58.3 18 178 '85 343 10 122 738 5598 1164 858 9' 1 n 55° 4425 95° IOOO 160 262 487 389 500 900 Nil '343 492 194 455 176 468 237 1268 547 1010 Nil 475 266 585 570 203 '359 49' 284 364 170 1067 192 1311 162 2419 2223 192 151 2146 475 785 57° ■95 77 151 261 384 1949 1931 60 160 77 '737 270 1940 559 264 Nil 271 289 202 554

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1895. April 30, 1896. Hodgson, W., Cheviot Hogan, John, Cheviot Holton, E., Cheviot Hughes, F. W., Port Robinson Hullin, H., Cheviot Hungerford, G. W., Cheviot Hyde, W. O, Cheviot Jackman, Eias, Cheviot Jones, Charles, Cheviot Jones, George, Cheviot Kelly, John, Cheviot Kemp, John, Cheviot King, Thomas, Cheviot Kinley, George, St. Albans Kinley, John, Cheviot Leaman, H. D., Cheviot Lewthwaite, J. B., Cheviot Lott, D., Cheviot Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... Marten, B., Domett McDowell, A., Cheviot McGilvray, D., Domett McGregor, W., Cheviot McLaren, D., Cheviot McLauchlin, George, Cheviot McLean, George, Domett McPherson, J., Cheviot McRae, George, Cheviot Meikle, T., Cheviot Menzies, N., Cheviot Miles, H. W., Cheviot ... Millichamp, E., Cheviot Monk, R., sen., Claverley Morris, W., Cheviot Mowat, Alexander, Cheviot Nicholson, H., Cheviot Osborne, T. L., Cheviot Patterson, William, Cheviot Plant, O, Cheviot Puschel, J. C. S., Port Robinson Puschel, N. C. H., Port Robinson Reid, William, Parnassus Road, Cheviot Roberts, O, jun., Domett Robertson, Andrew, Domett Robinson, T., Cheviot Robinson, W., Cheviot Rutherford, A. W., Brookdale, Waiau Rutherford, A. W., Mendip Hills, Waiau ... Scarlett, W., Cheviot Scarr, R., Cheviot Sloss, Quintin, Cheviot Sloss, R., Cheviot Smith, O, and Co., Cheviot Smith, Crompton Brothers, Cheviot Smith, E. W., Cheviot Smith, F. H., Cheviot '.'.'. Spriggs, W., Cheviot Stevenson Bros., Cheviot Stevenson, J., Cheviot Stringer, E., Cheviot Tait, James, jun., Claverley Thompson, D., Cheviot Tutton, A. E., Cheviot, Christchurch Upritchard, James, Cheviot Vaughan, John, Cheviot Wells, A. T., Cheviot ,., Westland, James, Cheviot Whatman, Max, Cheviot Winskill, D., Cheviot Wood, P. H., Domett Woodward, S., Cheviot Zuppicich, J., Domett 280 349 291 1200 1949 2880 320 355 299 754 180 2286 196 16139 18679 393 2 95 795 4'3 1762 487 203 287 440 1907 293 689 486 388 248 596 27 2257 Nil 2000 405 190 167 373 1020 173 100 Nil 48 498 296 16380 14911 294 182 959 241 '595 120 52 430 6028 379 850 Nil 152 298 390 2200 960 396 38 855 200 1161 790 497 400 1600 £100 10570 995° I98 I46 20.3 2195 821 505 258 663 2690 IOOO 10080 9750 295 137 Nil 3464 Nil 487 '6.3 176 '94 2696 120 295 1710 Nil 208 235 '58 922 194 355 1834 354 1189 482 3335 1855 2000 704 300 400 168,181 2200 1061 604 172 347' '345 1612 837 29.3 716 171,762 ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Acton-Adams, H, Tepapa, Christchurch ... Addinell, John, West Eyreton Aldridge, H. T., Oxford Allan, Alexander, Rockvale, Waikari Allan, Joseph, Oxford Allison, Edward, Oust ", 9200 696 127 842 83 1 9°45 822 85 1443 42 '3