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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund, Services

[tern. 18' 2,03: 6-97. Miles. £ £ WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. VOTE No. 59— continued. HURUNur-BLTJFF Section — continued. Wharves — 1 Piermaster .. ... 70 1 Foreman at 8/6 per dav ... ... 133 6 Clerks : 1 at £180, 1 at £170, 4 at £140 per annum .. 910 1 Guard at 9/6 per day ... ... 149 2 Shunters: 1 at 8/6, 1 at 8/ per day ... 258 3 Horse-drivers at 8/ per day ... ... 376 1 Lamplighter ... ..... 60 1 Porter and Crane-driver, at 8/ and 9/ per day ... 133 3 Wharf-porters and Crane-drivers: 1 at 7/ and 9/, 2 at ] 7/and 8/per day ... ... 360 3 Wharf-porters and Tally-clerks, at 7/ and 8/ per day 352 4 Wharf-porters, Tally-clerks, and Leading-hands, at 7/ and 8/ per day .. ... j 470 1 Wharf-porter and Leading-hand, at 7/ and 8/ per day 117 5 Wharf-porters and Grain-stackers, at 7/ and 8/ per day 5s7 3 Wharf-porter8 and Horse-drivers, at 7/ and 8/ per day 852 16 Wharf-porters: 1 at 7/6, 13 at 7/, 2 at 6/6 per day " 1,745 70 133 910 149 258 376 60 133 360 352 470 117 5s7 352 1.745 Miscellaneous — Fuel, Lighting, and General Stores ... ... i Stationery and Printing .... ... j Claims and Compensation ... ... 11.S89 Travelling-expenses ... ... j Miscellaneous and Advertising ... ... / Rents— Shed (5) at Lyttelton ... £1,250 „ Port Chalmers ... 100 Tard at Sawyers' Bay ... 11 11>89 1,361 1,861 125.229 : 112.840 125.229 : 412.840 10 Geetmouth Section, 1896-97—32 miles. GRJiYMOUTH-BRtTNNEK LlNE — Maintenance — 1 Foreman of Works (part time) at 13/ per day ... 51 2 Gangers at 9/ per day ... ... 282 5 Platelayers at 7/ per day ... ... 548 Wages—Structures ... ... 502 „ Buildings ... .. 372 „ Miscellaneous ... ... 151 Stores —Rails ... ... L4L „ Sleepers ... ... 24 „ Structures ... ... 350 „ Buildings • ... ... 170 „ Miscellaneous ... ... 50 Timber-drying sheds ... ... £750 Removing slips ... ... 200 950 Less amount recoverable from Greymouth Harbour Board ... ... 750 200 2,841