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Beturn to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 24th June, 1896. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return giving the costs incurred and returned, as by law directed, of the several candidates in the recent by-election for a member of the House of Representatives for the City of Christchurch."—(Mr. McLachlah.)

Sib, ; — ' ' Worcester Street, Christchurch, 2nd July, 1896. I have the honour to acknowledge yours of the 26th ultimo, and in answer thereto enclose herewith lists of expenses incurred by the several candidates at the recent election for a member of the House of Eepresentatives over which I presided on the 13th of February last. I have, &c, John Whitelaw, Eeturning Officer, District of City of Christchureh. The Colonial Secretary, Wellington.

" The Cobbupt Pbactices Prevention Act, 1895."—Eetuen op Expenses. I, Eichard Molesworth Taylor, a candidate at the election for the Electoral District of Christchurch, held in the month of February, 1896, hereby make the following return respecting election expenses incurred by me or on my behalf at the election :— Receipts. Nil. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. J. E. Hawley, clerical work at Committee-rooms ... ... .... 916 0 E. Underwood, scrutineer, Provincial Council Chambers ... ... 110 Charles Wilkins, scrutineer, Opera House ... ... ... ... 110 E. Harbinger, scrutineer, Provincial Council Chambers ... ... 110 Edward J. Collins, scrutineer, Opera House ... ... ... 110 T. Killick, cleaning out Committee-rooms ... ... ... ... 10 0 15 0 0 Advertising— Cash advertisements — Times, Star, Press, Truth ... ... 5 10 0 Account — Times and Star ... ... ... ... ... 615 0 Account — Press and Truth ... ... ... ... ... 3 10 0 Printing—Eussell and Willis... ... ... ... ... 360 19 1 0 C. H. Wilkinson and Co., Spectator ... ... ... ... 15 0 Hire of Booms — E. J. Fuchs, Opera House ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Lake and Evans, Committee-room, Colombo Street, Christchurch... 8 3 6 H. L. Bowker, Committee-room, Colombo Eoad, Sydenham ... 3 0 0 Oddfellows' Hall, Lincoln Eoad ... ... ... ... 150 Court Star of Canterbury, Bichmond Hall and Committee-room ... 1 10 0 Druid's Hall, Colombo Eoad, Sydenham ... ... ... 0 10 0 City of Christchurch Lodge ... ... ... ... ... 1150 Waltham School Committee... ... ... ... ... 076 Mutual Improvement Association, Knightstown ... ... 17 0 Mrs. Douglass, Committee-room, St. Albans ... ... ... 012 0 Waltham Library Committee-room ... ... ... .. 050 23 15 0