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277. It is customary for all the tupuna to be buried on strange soil ?—lf I died at another place I should be buried there, and my relatives would come and bring my bones back to my residence. 278. In this case, he was brought here for the purpose of being buried by his relatives ?—Yes. 279. Why did you say Kaewa had no interest in this land ? —She was born over there. 280. Was Kemp not also born over there ? —He may have been. Ido not know. 281. Then neither Kaewa nor Kemp were born on this land?—l agree to that. I did not hear that Kemp was born here. 282. Therefore, the claim of Kemp would be equal to that of Kewa in this respect ?—I do not know. 283. Did you get any of the money for the 4,000 acres ?—No. 284. Do you know what became of it ?—I understand it was used in paying off the surveys. 285. To whom was the money paid ?—I suppose Kemp paid it. 286. To what surveyor? —I do not know. 287. Do you know Mr. Palmerston?—Yes. 288. Did you see him surveying down here ?—Yes ; and Mr. Scott. 289. There were two surveyors; is that not so ?—Yes. 290. Do you know whether Kemp paid part of the £6,000 to either of those persons for surveying?—l heard so. 291. Did Kemp tell you he had paid it?— Yes. Kemp said the money this land had been sold for was spent in paying for the survey. 292. Did you sign a document agreeing that No. 14 was to be for Kemp ?—I did not; the only assenting was by word of mouth. 293. Did you sign any document in which you expressed your satisfaction with what Kemp had done in the matter of the whole block, including No. 14 ?—Yes. 294. Did you sign that before the lease was made or after the lease was made to Sir W. Buller ? —I do not know. 295. When did you sign it?—l do not know. "296. Where did you sign it ? —Either here or at Otaki—l forget which. 297. Was it a week ago, or a year ago, or how long?—lt was a long time ago ; I do not know how long. 298. How do you know that you signed it, if you do not know where or when you signed it ? —I do not know what the date was, but I recollect signing my name to the deed. 299. Were you friendly or unfriendly with Kawana Hunia when he was alive ? —Kawana and I were at variance. 300. Were you at variance with each other on the occasion of the burning of the houses?—l had trouble with him before the houses were burned, and I had trouble with him afterwards, and when he had brought the timber on the drays. 301. Did Kemp pay you any part of the rent he received from Hector ? —Yes; £1,000. 302. Did he pay it you alone?— Yes ; it was given to me, and I brought it to Horowhenua. 303. To whom did you distribute the £1,000? —I divided it amongst Muaupoko, to whom the land belonged. 304. Did you give any to Warena or Wirihana?—No. 305. Are you sure that £1,000 was from the rent ?—Yes. 306. Then you got none of the money for the 4,000 acres for the town?— No. 307. How much was that money?—l do not know. 308. That £1,000 is all the money you received for rent or the sale of land ?—That was the only money from the rent I received. 309. And you did not receive any from other sources within the block ?—No. 310. Mr. McDonald.] In regard to Block 11, it was awarded to Kemp and Warena by the Court ?—Yes. 311. What was the condition upon which it was given to them? —The reason it was given to them in their names was that they were to be caretakers of it for the tribe —what you Europeans call trustees, and what we call caretakers. 312. Were they to be caretakers for the whole tribe?— Yes ; for the Muaupoke. 313. Do you remember some land being set aside on the hill for Hoani Meihana, Peeti te Aweawe and Tamatea Tohu ?—Yes ; they were put as in a pataka. 314. Are Kemp and Warena trustees for the three persons in Block ?—Yes. 315. You say that Kemp and Warena are trustees for the whole tribe ?•—That place up there was the land for those people. 316. Can they come down out of that pataka under the caretaker plan into Block 11 ? —No. 317. Then you do not say that Kemp and Warena are caretakers for the whole tribe? —He kept the land for vs —for Muaupoko. 318. What I understand you to say is, that they were caretakers for you as the residents of this land ?—Yes ; those whose fires were alight upon the land. 319. But not for those who had been pataka up on the hills ?—No; they would be their own trustees. 320. That is all they are to get out of this block ? —Yes. 321. Can you furnish the Commission with a list of those persons whom you say have a right in No. 11 ?—Yes; when Kemp comes back. 322. You remember the township that was to be sold, and the quarter-acre sections you were to get ?—Yes ; and the persons who destroyed that were yourself and the Government. 323. You did not get your quarter-acre sections ?—No ; I have not, and it is all your fault and that of the Government. All of us understood that we were to get certain quarter-acre sections in the township; but the Natives never got any. 14— G. 2.