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Re Proposed Pacific Cable Commission. Extract from a Memorandum of His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales to The Honorable the Premier of New South Wales, dated 15th Eebruary, 1896. "In accordance with your desire I have this day cabled the Secretary of State that the Colonies have agreed to the nomination of Sir Saul Samuel, K.C.M.G., &c, and the Honorable Duncan Gillies as Australasian Eepresentatives on the proposed Pacific Cable Commission. Proposals to be reserved for the approval of the Colonial Governments."

Cablegram from The Honorable the Premier of New South Wales to The AgentGeneral for New South Wales, dated 14th Pebruary, 1896. Pacific Cable Commission. Tou and Gillies have been nominated representatives Australasia, on understanding you consult other Agents-General on important points, and that any scheme proposed shall be subject to approval. Letter by post giving resolutions passed at Intercolonial Conference, which are published in Herald of the 20th January last.

Further Telegraphic Communications re Question of Employment of Coloured Labour in connection with the Federal . Mail Service. Telegram from The Postmaster-General, London, to The Postmaster-General of New South Wales, acting as President of the Intercolonial Postal and Telegraphic Conference, Sydney. 25 January, 1896. Duke of Norfolk, thanking Conference for considerate telegram, regrets necessity for saying Government must decline exclusion coloured labour. Such restrictions opposed to settled policy of Parliament during nearly fifty years, and specially indefensible for service touching Asiatic possession and connecting Australasia with Asiatic dominions. Of course, contract would not exclude Colonial labour. Time pressing, and, in view of position of Government, do Colonies consent invitation tenders as drafted ?

Telegram from The President of Postal Conference, Sydney, to The PostmasterGeneral, London. 19 February, 1896. Federal Mail. Will be difficult, if not impossible, some Colonies obtain Parliamentary sanction without stipulation. Urge your reconsideration matter.

Telegram from The Postmaster-General, London, to The President of Postal Conference, Sydney. 20 February, 1896. Difficulty much regretted ; exclusion coloured labour from Federal Service impossible after fullest consideration.

Telegram from The President of Postal Conference, Sydney, to The PostmasterGeneral, London. 24 March, 1896. Eegret your decision n coloured labour. Suggest you ask tenderers to state class of labour proposed to employ.
