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5. Object-lessons for Country Schools. (a.) The farmyard. Its buildings and their con- Birds. Singing-birds, as the thrush and nightcents. Animals kept on a farm and their uses, ingale. Birds of prey, as the hawk. SwimmingNecessity of cleanliness, kindness, and suitable and wading-birds, as the duck and heron, food. Wild animals. The fox, hare, and rabbit. The dairy and its contents. Butter- and Minerals. A mine. Three useful minerals, cheese-making. The lessons on the seasons should correspond Bees. Bee-keeping. with the actual seasons of the year, and the difSpring. Spring flowers. Work in the fields ferent operations explained should be taken while in spring. The cuckoo and swallow. Record each is in progress, date of arrival. Leaves of trees may be dried by simply placing Summer. Different kinds of leaves and fruit, them between sheets of paper and pressing them. Work in the fields in summer. Their shapes may be used for the children to Autumn. Work in the fields. draw round on paper, which can afterwards be A mill and the work of a miller. pricked and then sewn round. Winter. Frost. Ice. Snow. (b.) (The waking of Nature. A bird—covering, wings, beak, feet; motion; The lengthening daylight in nest, eggs, food, the morning and evening, ( Thrush or blackbird, the coming warm weather; y ~. , I Lark, birds singing, building their 1 Robin, nests, laying their eggs ; the (Rooks, trees and hedges changing, Birds which come for the summer, buds and leaves, the bloom Birds which come for the winter. ' on fruit-trees. I Rabbit. The local wild flowers of spring. The daisy, Local animals Hare, primrose, bluebell. Jbox. Summer-time. { Hedgehog. The local wild flowers of summer. Animals on a farm. Autumn. Our village. The local wild flowers of autumn. The carrier's cart. Winter. The repose of Nature. The cottage garden. The land. Woodland, meadowland, plough- The stream or river, its banks, the birds and land, moorland. animals that live near it. The sky. A fish. A plant. («0 The garden in spring. The elm-tree. The farm in spring. The apple-tree. The garden in summer. Evergreen trees. The farm in summer. An insect. The garden in autumn. The spider and his web. The farm in autumn. The butterfly —colours, beauty, history. The garden in winter. Bees. The farm in winter. The farmer's pests. The weather and wind. The farmer's friends. The soil —sunshine, air, rain, frost, manure. A pond. The farmer's tools —the plough, drill, reaping- A frog, machine. A ramble in a wood, and what may be seen The crops—grass, corn, root-crops. there. Wheat. The railway. The potato. Market-day in the neighbouring town. The oak-tree. A newspaper. 6. Object-lessons in the Science of Common Things. (a.) Water. —How carried ; jugs, bottles, barrels, Air. —Bubbles, pouring water through funnel spouts, funnels. Wells. Things that float ; into empty bottle. A burning candle. Fans things that sink. blowing feathers. Paper windmills. Solids. —Hard and soft, in the room and in Forms of Strength.—The floor, joists, and clothing. Files. Hammer and nails. Buttons, boards. Wooden bridges. Steps and stairs. Powders. —Flour. Things that stretch.—Elastic bands. Pastes. —Paste, clay, putty. Things that bend.—Bows and arrows. Cord,. Things porous. —Bread, sponge. ropes. Things that melt.—Butter, tallow, sealing- Machines. — Tops. Roller for pastry, for wax ; ice, snow. garden. Perambulator. Water. —Drying clothes, breathing on slates, Movements. — Walking, running, leaping, frost on the pane. The boiling of the kettle. The creeping, crawling, pot boiling over. Musical Toys.—Harmonicon. Bell. Things that dissolve. —Sugar, salt. 3—E. Ib.