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(1.) Plant Life. (a.) The Study of Plants as Growing Things. Grow an onion in a bottle of water, and note Climbing stems : Ivy. appearance of root and stem. Make a model in Train bindweed up a stick and note that it clay of the various stages of growth at short in- turns to the right. If you unwind it and tervals. force it the other way (to the left), note Grow mustard-seed on damp flannel, and note how it resumes its old direction again, stages of growth. holding the stick with one of its leafNotice a few curious roots. stalks to get a purchase for the change. The carrot : Cut off the top of one and grow Simple experiments to show effect of light on it in a saucer of water. Contrast the root (1) leaves and (2) roots. Celery : Blanching, of a daisy (fibrous). Leaves of - deciduous trees contrasted with Boots which walk: Strawberry or strayberry. leaves of evergreens. Contrast leaves of holly, Violet-root. ivy, and box with leaves of oak, elm, and beech. Contrast root of Iris and Solomon's Seal in Note autumn tints. Collect and press leaves their modes of extension. of various colours in autumn. Stem: Count the rings in a trunk that has Buds : Leaf-buds and flower-buds, been felled ; rings, how produced ; estimate age Parts of a flower, of tree; the record of wet or dry seasons. Fruits : Different kinds. (b.) Blossoms, Fruits, Seeds, and Leaves. Parts of a flower. Curious flowers, e.g., primrose, compound Flowers of curious shape. flower (daisy), water lily. Pea-blossom. Leaves : Shape, veining, arrangement. Insects and flowers. Flowers as supplying (1) weather-glass, (2) Colours of flowers and insects. clock, (3) calendar. Fruits. How seeds are scattered. Examine celery plant. Cut leaf stalks into Shooting seeds. thin sections to see how a plant is built up. Flying seeds. (c.) How Plants are adapted to their Surroundings. A bunch of spring flowers (according to time Sundew and flesh-eating plants. of year). Ferns. A bunch of summer flowers (according to time The spores of ferns. of year). Grow some spores in a pan under glass and A bunch of autumn flowers (according to time watch growth and development of a fern. Conof year). trast with growth of mustard from seed. Flowers and the soil. Bog plants. Mosses. Eiverside plants. Lichens. Plants that grow in running water. Funguses. Plants that grow in still water. Simple experiments in manuring plants. Meadow plants. How plants help to hinder each other's Plants of the heath and moor. growth. Plants of the hills. Plants of the wood. Plants Parasites : Mistletoe. of the sea-coast and salt-marshes. Plants which help or injure man. (2.) Animal Life. (a.) The Cat (compare with Dog). —Eyes; rough, legs, feet, claws, covering, tail, whiskers, ears, dry tongue; soft pads and sharp claws, teeth, eyes. method of holding prey, drinking, covering of fur, The Mouse (compare with Eat and Water-rat), whiskers, tail. —Teeth, paws, tail, whiskers, eyes, ears. The Cow (compare with Sheep and Goat). — A Fish..—How fitted to live in water, weight, How she takes her food, teeth, chewing, milk shape, covering, temperature, movements, (cheese and butter), tail, hoofs, covering, ears, A Plaice (compare with Herring). —Flat, eyes horns, nose. on one side of head, gills, movements. The Horse (compare with Donkey).—Covering, Animals which sleep in winter.—Examples: teeth, hoofs, tail, mane. Squirrel, dormouse, common snake, frog, toad, The Eabbit (compare with Hare). — Teeth, snail, slug. Preparation made for sleep. (b.) Mole.—Shape, snout, teeth, paws, claws, eyes, Garden-snail (compare with Slug). — Shell, ears, fur, food. mantle, head, horns, eyes, food, preparation for Hedgehog. —Covering of spines, how it rolls winter-sleep, itself into a ball and why, head, teeth, food. Earth-worm.—Shape, rings, locomotion, food, Common Snake (compare with Viper). —Shape, usefulness, covering, teeth, how it moves, how it swallows Spider (contrast with Bee). — Shape, segits prey. ments, legs, eyes, jaws, spinnerets, web, breathFrog (compare with Toad and Newt). —Move- ing organs, ment, capture of prey, breathing, winter-quarters.