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Whangabei-Kamo Bailway Extension. Whakapara Section (8 miles to 11 miles 25 chains ;■ length, 3 miles 25 chains).—This section is an extension of the line from Hikurangi to the Whakapara Eiver. The formation was commenced in May, 1894, and the platelaying and ballasting are now in hand and will be completed in about six weeks. Preparations are also being made for putting the erection of the station buildings in hand. Thirty-eight men are now at work, and an average of fully thirty men were employed during the year. All the works are being done on the co-operative principle. Whakapara-Hukerenui Section (11 miles 25 chains to 14 miles 57 chains; length, 3 miles 32 chains). —The location-survey of this section has been completed, and preparations are being made to put the work of formation in hand. A contract has been let for the totara timber required for the bridges, and the ironwork for same has been ordered. The survey for the land-plans of this section is in hand and well advanced. Helbnsville Noethwabds Eailway. Makarau Contract (43 miles 30 chains to 46 miles 36 chains; 3 miles 6 chains in length). — Formation and permanent-way : This contract has been much delayed by exceptional difficulties met with in driving the tunnel and heavy slips. It is now, however, well advanced towards completion. The tunnel has been completed, and the rails laid up to 46 miles 2 chains, and about two-thirds ballasted. The principal work remaining to be done consists of two bridges, at 46 miles 3 chains and 46 miles 26 chains. The piles of these have been put in and the superstructure, which was waiting the laying of the permanent-way, will be commenced immediately. Preparations are being made for putting in hand a further section of this line on the co-opera-tive principle as soon as the plant and material for the work can be conveyed over the Makarau Section. Surveys. —As previously reported, the survey of a continuation of this line from the end of the Makarau Section, at 46 miles 36 chains to 49 miles 54 chains (Tahekeroa Section), is ready for contract ; and from 49 miles 54 chains to 56 miles (Komokoriki Section) the line is located, and the plans so far advanced that they could be got ready for contract at short notice. A trial survey was also made between 56 miles and 67 miles 60 chains, which shows a good easy line, except for a ength of about two miles of very rough and broken ground through the Hoteo Gorge. Kaihu Valley Eailway. An extension of this line 55 chains in length, which had been formed before the line was taken over by the Government, is being trimmed and laid with permanent-way for the accommodation of the timber-traffic. The work was put in hand early in May last, and is being carried out on the co-operative principle. Eighteen men are employed. Waikato-Thambs Eailway. Paeroa-Te Aroha Section (13 miles 63 chains). —This section, including the bridge over the Ohinemuri Eiver, station-buildings, &c, was completed about the end of February last; but, with the view of accommodating the public as early as possible, it was opened for traffic on the 20th December, 1895, the permanent-way having then been passed as safe for the purpose. The whole of this section was constructed on the co-operative principle. An average of about twenty-three men were employed during the year. The land-plans of this section were completed, and the Proclamation was issued in May last. Thames-Paeroa Section. —The permanent - way was laid on about 4-J- miles of this section (Thames end), and the earthworks of the remainder were carried out some years ago ; and preparations are now in hand for completing the line. The timber for the Hikutaia and other bridges on the section is being obtained, a tender having been accepted for a portion of it last month; and the ironwork for them has been ordered. These bridges will be erected on the co-operative principle. Noeth Island Main Tbunk Eailway. North End. MoJcau and Porootaroa Sections (34 miles 3 chains to 47 miles 7 chains; 13 miles 4 chains in length). —Platelaying on this length was begun in August last, and the line was linked in and bottom ballast laid up to the north end of the Porootaroa Tunnel (at 46 miles 3 chains) by the end of March. Since then the work was considerably delayed by wet weather and slips, but the permanent-way is now laid and partially ballasted for the whole length to 47 miles 7 chains, or about 9 chains south of the tunnel on the Wanganui side of the dividing range. The number of men employed during the year averaged about forty, and there are forty-one men now on the ground. The work is being done on the co-operative principle. Land-plans, Mokau Section. —These plans have been completed and forwarded to the Chief Surveyor for certificate. South End. Makohine Section. —The works on this section, which extends from the termination of the Mangaonoho Section, 22 miles 40 chains to 33 miles 40 chains (length 11 miles), consist of earthworks, culverts, fencing, platelaying, three tunnels —at 24 miles 27 chains (198 yards long), 30 miles 65 chains (26£ chains long), and 32 miles 74 chains (5 J chains long), respectively—and the Makohine Viaduct. The formation - works are practically completed up to 31 miles and well advanced for the remainder of the length to 33 miles 40 chains. The tunnel at 24 miles 27 chains has been finished. The work of driving the Powhakaroa Tunnel (at 30 miles 64 chains) was completed on Ist February last, and the making of blocks for lining it was commenced in the same month, and has proceeded vigorously since. There are now