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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. 124,522 1 8 "The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873":— Interest, — On £6,300 at 4 per cent., J year to 15 April, 1895 .. On £6,500 at 4 „ j „ to 15 October, „ .. On £12,200 at 4 „ 1 „ to 15 „ ... On £12,300 at 4 „ 1 „ to 15 November, „ On £54,700 at 5 „ 1 „ to 15 „ „ .. 126 0 0 130 0 0 488 0 0 492 0 0 2,735 0 0 3,971 0 0 "The Nelson Loan Act, 1874":— Interest, — On £15,000 at 7 per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1895 On £15,000 at 7 „ 23 days to 23 „ 1896 1,050 0 0 66 3 3 1,116 3 3 "The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877":— Interest, — On £29,150,302 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1895 On £5,418,005 10s. at 3J per cent., J year to 1 July, 1895 On £5,456,598 10s. at 3J per cent., J year to 1 January, 1896 1,166,012 1 6 94,815 1 11 95,490 9 5 1,356,317 1210 Less — Interest repaid to Public Account in respeot of 3J-per-cent. Stook Overlap of interest on Converted Loans— On £3,852 at 3 J per cent., 1 July to 15 July, 1894 .. .. £5 10 9 On £4,876 at 3 J per cent., 1 July to 15 October, 1894 .. .. 50 0 7 On £90,885 at 3} per cent., 1 July to 15 July, 1894 .. .. 130 14 5 On £12,480 at 3£ per oent., 1 July to 1 October, 1894 .. .. 108 18 0 On £50,000 at 3J per cent., 1 January to 18 April, 1895 .. 517 16 2 On £90,000 at 3J per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1895 .. .. 906 3 2 On £7,699 at 3£ per cent., 1 January to 15 January, 1895 .. 10 4 2 0 6 1,354,587 19 7 1,729 7 3 1,729 13 3 "The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1884":— Interest, — On £680,079 at 4 J per oent., J year to 28 May, 1895 On £11,000 at 4| „ £ „ to 28 „ On £9,200 at 4J , 25 days to 22 June, On £9,100 at 4J „ 125 „ to 30 September, „ On £44,641 at 4f „ J year to 28 November, On £574,416 at 4J £ „ to 28 On £35,441 at 4£ » \ „ to 28 On£l,131,988ac4j „ 1 „ to 28 On £20,400 at 4J » 1 „ to 28 On £2,000 at i\ „ 74 days to 11 February, 1896 On £96,563 at 4 „ I year to 28 November, 1895 On £11,000 at 4 » J „ to 28 On £200 at 4 „ 1 „ to 28 On £50,000 at 4 „ 159 days, to 28 On £10,000 at 4 „ 127 „ to 28 On £10,000 at 4 „ 106 „ to 28 On £2,400 at 4 91 . to 28 On £10,000 at 4 78 . to 28 On £9,200 at 4 „ 66 „ to 28 On £10,000 at 3J „ 63 , to 28 15,301 15 7 247 10 0 28 7 1 140 4 9 1,004 8 5 12,924 7 2 797 8 5 50,939 9 2 918 0 0 18 4 11 1,931 5 3 220 0 0 8 0 0 871 4 7 139 3 7 116 3 3 23 18 8 85 9 7 66 10 10 60 8 2 85,841 19 5 Carried forward 1,570,039 3 11