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Rolleston Coal Leases. —A company is being formed to open up this mine and make a connection with the railway. Throughout the Hikurangi District there is not very much cover over the coal, and no difficulty is found in securing ventilation by sinking small shafts when required. Whangaeei Disteict. Kama New-Mine. —Work in this mine consisted in the removal of old pillars. A tunnel was driven for purposes of further exploration at a lower level, but no coal of any importance was found, and the place has beeD abandoned. It was in contemplation to sink on the other side of the main road, but no work was commenced. The output was 2,003 tons. Ngungueu Disteict. Kiripaka Mine. —-This mine has been steadily worked during the year. The main adit has been further advanced, and coal has been obtained both from this and the new adit. It is to be regretted that a fatal accident occurred here to a miner while engaged in drawing pillars. The roof over the coal is often found to be of a soft character. There is, however, no stint in the supply of timber for securing the roof throughout the workings. The output for the year was 18,869 tons. Panapo Mine. —Mr. Armitage has been carrying on further prospecting-works here, but as no extent of coal has been discovered there has been no output from this mine. Maori Goal-mine. —This mine, which is owned by Mrs. Callaghan and others, adjoins the Panapo, on the left bank of the Ngunguru Biver. Prospecting was carried on, and a mam adit driven 78ft. towards the seam, which is about 10ft. in thickness. The formation of an incline tramway, 700 ft. in length, from the adit to the river has also been begun. There are other outcrops to the right and left of the adit, their appearance denoting a seam of valuable coal. Waikato Disteict. Waikato Mine. —This mine has again been steadily worked. The distance of the further bords from the main adit necessitated the formation of a new jig to shorten the length of the road. Ventilation is still satisfactory, though when the wind blows from a certain direction it becomes rather sluggish in the extreme workings to the rise. This will be improved by making a fresh upcast shaft in the locality. The output for the year was 12,444 tons. Taupiri Extended Mine. —This mine is being worked steadily. The places towards the Waikato Eiver are stopped, and the chief workings are towards and under the lake, in land lately leased from the Government. The year's output amounted to 40,160 tons. Taupiri Reserve Mine. —Mining operations are here carefully carried on. It has been found necessary to continue the dip a further distance of 15 chains, it having been found cheaper to make one level of that length than to pursue the method formerly adopted, of making levels of 5 chains when desiring to extend the dip into the seam. A new Tangye duplex pump, with a lifting capacity of 15,000 gallons per hour, has been purchased for the extension of the dip. The output for the year amounted to 17,135 tons. Bombay Mine. —This mine is worked in a desultory manner, only 12 tons having been taken out during the year. Mr. Long's son was there when I visited it on the Bth December, 1895, to whom I pointed out the necessity for further securing the entrance to the drive. Mokau Disteict. Mokau Mine. —No returns from this mine have been forwarded during the year, and, having received no reply to communications on the matter, I presume that work has been suspended. Accidents. Only one fatal accident occurred in this district during the year ending 31st December, 1895— viz., Arthur Darnley, killed by fall of stone in Kiripaka Coal-mine, on 28th October, 1895. Fourteen accidents not of a serious nature also happened during this period : — Samuel Stockbridge and Thomas Hay were injured in the hands and arms by an accidental explosion in Taupiri Extended Mine, 24th January, 1895. John Dunn had his back injured by steel splinter in Taupiri Eeserve Mine, sth March, 1895. William Crowder was shaken and bruised by fall of earth while at work in Taupiri Eeserve Mine, 10th April, 1895. Walter Waugh struck his foot with a pick in the Taupiri Extended Mine, 20th May, 1895. Eobert Woolam was cut in the hand by piece of coal while at work in Taupiri Extended Mine, 10th June, 1895. Hamilton McCaig cut his finger while cutting ti-tree on the surface at Waikato Mine, 6th July, 1895. G. E. Skellern injured his neck by falling on a barge while at work on the surface at Waikato Mine, 16th July, 1895. Daniel Wilson injured his back and private parts by slipping on a log at the pump in Taupiri Eeserve Mine, 18th July, 1895. William Kerr injured his eye while at work in Taupiri Extended Mine, 23rd July, 1895. William Gurnich injured his hand when at work in Taupiri Extended Mine, 15th August, 1895. William Paterson injured his leg while working in Taupiri Eeserve Mine, 23rd August, 1895. Patrick Whorsky injured his eye whilst at work in the Kiripaka Mine, 26th October, 1895. James W. Wilson wounded his back while at work on the surface at Taupiri Eeserve Mine, 19th December, 1895.