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Globe Quartz-Mine. —(17/10/95): Work below No. 5 level is finished for the present. In No. 5 the east end of the level is being extended on a new block of payable stone. This is 50ft. ahead of the block formerly worked ; it has been driven on 80ft., with quartz still in the face Bft. thick, without seeing the hanging-wall. Air sufficient. Some of the caps in the level showing weight, but, there is no danger. Eeport behind. Survey to be made next week. Two shifts are worked, and a total of twenty-five men employed. (11/2/96) : Stoping has been stopped and the work of developing the mine is going on, as it is one of those purchased by Mr. Ziman. The east and west ends of No. 6 level are being extended; the latter is in 130 ft. from the cross-cut, on quartz all the way, about 15ft. in thickness as far as known. The east end of the level is in 175 ft. from the cross-cut, the last few sets being on dark quartz, which has cut out and a new make has just been struck which is carrying gold. A winze is down 56ft. from the intermediate level below No. 5, and the air in it is good. Another winze is being sunk from No. 6 level, and is down 27ft. Twenty men in all employed. Two men are also prospecting on the outcrop of the old Union Beef, in the direction of the Larnach lease, and a quartzlode about 10ft. in width is clearly exposed for a considerable distance. Wealth of Nations Quartz-mine. —(27/7/95) : In the 500 ft. level, about 280 ft. from the blind shaft, the winze from the level above has been broken into. Some loose pieces, to which I drew Mr. Watson's attention, are to be timbered up at once. One line of reef appears to run a little west of north, but it is not sufficiently opened up to say. Air good. Three shifts of three men each are employed. Beport kept. Bopes tested. (22/11/95) : Stoping going on 36ft. above the 500 ft. level; the lode is about 26ft. wide at the centre of the block, tapering in at each end. The length of block is about 60ft. Air good. Three shifts of six miners in each, and a total of twenty-nine men employed. (13/2/96) : This mine has also passed into the hands of Mr. Ziman's syndicate. The batterylevel is being repaired, and it is intended to drive into the Energetic ground 200 ft., and connect with the old workings. I reminded Mr. Watson as to keeping a drill ahead, and he can be depended on to look after it. In the 350 ft. level two men are driving to a little south of east on quartz, which has just come in after following the track of the reef for a few feet. In the 500 ft. level two men are working, and a winze is started to be sunk, and is down 10ft. A place is also being driven off the side of the level, on a continuation of a block of quartz running off from it. No stoping is going on, but only work of developing the mine. Beport duly kept. Bules, signals, and manager's name posted up. On the 27th March, a miner named Thomas Shaw, in descending a pass to release a piece of timber which had stuck in being lowered, lost hold of the rope and was killed by falling to the staging below. Keep-It-Dark Quartz-mine. —(19/10/95) : Four stopes working above No. 5 level, where the line of reef is curved, but the general course is north-east. The block of quartz is about 70ft. long and 25ft. wide in the centre. A fair current of air circulating. Eight miners work in the morning shift, and six in the afternoon ; nineteen men in all are employed. I drew the manager's attention to some loose pieces of wall-rock in the No. 6 level, and these are to be pulled down. Signals posted at the main shaft, but not at the blind shaft. The ropes have been tested; this has not been entered in the report-book, but will be in future. Manager's report duly kept. (14/2/96): Two shifts of two men each are driving in No. 5 level, a little east of south, on quartz about 4ft. 6in. in thickness. In the stoping below this ten miners are at work, in two shifts. The course of the reef is nearly east and west, with a spur running off to north. The filling-in is Well up, as necessary for such a place. Some loose pieces of wall-rock to which I drew attention are to be taken down or secured. Beport behind. Total number of men employed, 21. Hercules Quartz-mine. —(27/7/95) : The cage has been fitted with new safety-catches, which work well both when the rope was slacked and the level used. The shaft is at present being sunk, and is down 83ft. from No. 8 level. It is to be opened out at 150 ft. down, or a total depth of 710 ft. The winze is down 100 ft., and 80ft. of this is in quartz. About 550 ft. of driving will be required to connect when sinking is completed. (19/10/95) : No work has been done for a fortnight, as repairs are being done to the waterwheel and water-race. The main shaft has been sunk, and No. 9 level opened out at a depth of 690 ft. (14/2/96) : A cross-cut 150 ft. in length has been driven to the line of reef which is now being followed; 40ft. has been driven, and two men are extending the drive to south-west, on the track of the reef in hard slate country. Air right; timbering well done ; three shifts are employed. No. 2 South Keep-It-Dark Mine. —This mine has been idle during the most of last year, but, with the improved prospects in quartz-mining, a start has been made to extend the No. 3 level to south on the track of the reef. Mr. Hindmarsh informs me at date of writing that, in driving, boulders or small blocks of quartz are being met, and the indications for finding a continuation of the lode are considered good. Four men are employed. Boyal Quartz-mine. —(24/10/95): Having heard that work had been resumed in this mine, I visited it and entered the tunnel. No one was about, and evidently work had been again suspended, as at a point about I,looft. in from the mine-mouth a fall of timber blocked the way. This was not preventing the circulation of air. I understand it is intended under the new management to drive from this mine and connect with the Golden Fleece workings. Golden Fleece Quartz-mine. —(24/10/95): Five men are stoping about 180 ft. above the No. 6 level, and one man is prospecting on the surface. The average thickness of the lode is about 3ft. The air is led along the level in boxes, and is sufficient. Ten men in all are at work. Inglewood Extended Quartz-mine. —(23/11/95) : The only work doing is retimbering the old No. 1 level in the North Star ground. This adit was driven about eighteen years ago. About 5 chains ahead of the face a reef was lately found by Mr. Walshe outcropping on the surface, and was sunk on for 40ft. The stone was gold-bearing, and varied from Bin. to 3ft. 6in. in thickness.