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Table of Attendance for Year ending 31st March, 1895.

The annual examinations were conducted in December. As in former years, the papers were set and examined by a Board of Government examiners. Mr. Henry A. Gordon, F.G.S., M.E., was the examiner in land- and mine-surveying, mining, ventilation, pumping and winding, metallurgy of gold and silver, and mineralogy; Mr. W. Skey in assaying, practical and theoretical chemistry; Mr. A. McKay, P.G.S., in general and mining geology; and Mr. C. H. Pierard in mechanical drawing.

Results of Annual Examinations, 1894.

One of the Government school of mines scholarships for 1894 was secured by Mr. J. M. McLaren, with the high average of 80-6 in nine different subjects. Mr. McLaren also gained Mr. Finlay's gold medal for land- and mine-surveying. The President's medal for the best average fell to Mr. George Fleming, with 70 per cent, of the possible number of marks. The Ohinemuri Gazette medal also fell to the same student, with 77 per cent, of the total marks. Laboeatory. At the present time there are forty-two students in the assaying class and thirty-four in the chemistry classes, and with such large numbers our accommodation and resources are taxed to their utmost. In order to relieve the crowded state of the melting-room, the Council has just accepted a tender for lengthening that room 9ft. Provision has also been made for using four furnaces —two for melting and two for cupelling. With so many students engaged in practical assaying and chemistry, the cost of apparatus, glassware, assay materials, and chemicals is very heavy, and a considerable drain on the resources of the institution.


1894. 1895. Name of Subject. First Term. Second Term. Third Term. First Term. Registered Students. reneral and mining geology lineralogy and blowpipe jand- and mine-surveying 'ractical astronomy ... lathematics lining and applied mechanics ... lefcallurgy of gold and silver ... 'ractical chemistry ... 'heoretical chemistry... 'ractical assaying ... ... lechanical drawing ... 7 7 16 5 8 10 10 10 14 5 10 11 5 5 9 3 10 7 18 13 13 26 2 8 10 n 11 7 9 9 15 2 17 17 25 4 34 34 42 7 Total iaturday science class 88 37 123 33 Ill 39 164 25 Total attendance at all classes 125 156 150 189 Individual registered students 33 27 28 50 Total individual students 70 60 67 75

Subject of Examination. ■ First Glass. Second Class. Third Class. Failed. Total. reneral and mining geology lineralogy 'heoretical chemistry (senior) 'heoretical chemistry (junior) 'ractical chemistry 'ractical assaying Metallurgy of gold and silver lining r entilation 'ump'ing and winding ... jand- and mine-surveying lechanical drawing jaboratory practice 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 i l 1 1 4 4 2 8 5 1 2 1 5 2 11 i 3 i l 6 "i Totals 14 15 16 47