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APPENDIX No. I.— ADMINISTRATION. EXTEACTS FEOM THE EEPOETS OF THE COMMISSIONEES OF CEOWN LANDS ON SETTLEMENT OPEEATIONS DUEING THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 31st MAECH, 1895. AUCKLAND. Table A, Summary of Lands disposed of during Year. — No. of Selectors. Total Area. Cash— A. B. P. A. H. P. 12 town sections ... ... ... 12 1 14 14 suburban sections ... ... ... 74 1 10 84 rural sections ... ... ...6,063 0 10 6,149 2 34 205 occupation with right of purchase ... 38,527 3 9 84 lease in perpetuity ... ... ... 21,275 0 28 2 small grazing-runs ... ... ... 28,810 0 0 '25 special settlement associations ... ... 4,550 0 0 Total ... ... ... ... 99,312 231 The total area disposed of, as shown above, is 35,680 acres less than last year, but if to this is added special-settlement-association selections not yet brought to account, and improved-farm settlements in process of settlement also, but not yet brought to account, it will give a total of 115,262 acres, or only 19,729 less than last year. I attribute this decrease entirely to local causes, and chiefly to the fall in prices of all agricultural and pastoral products. It must also be remembered that all the lands worth cultivating in this district are covered generally with dense forest, and require a large expenditure of both time and cash before they can even begin to yield any return or subsistence to the selector. Table B, Analysis of Holdings. —Again I venture to call attention to the very small average of the holdings in this district—namely, cash, 110 selectors with an average of only 55-9 acres each; occupation with right of purchase, 205 selectors averaging only 189-7 acres each ; and lease in perpetuity, eighty-four selectors averaging only 253 acres each. Table C, Cash Lands. —Only 6,063 acres of rural lands, have been sold for cash, and these have been principally kauri-forest lands of special value, which it was thought expedient to dispose of for cash to prevent the selectors from obtaining undue advantages. Of perpetual leases made freehold, only eight selectors have applied for the freehold of 1,686 acres. Table D, Deferred Payment Lands. —The forfeitures and exchanges into lease in perpetuity have been fifteen, of an area of 1,814 acres, while the freehold during the year has been acquired by twenty-four selectors, of an area of 3,345 acres. lam glad to report that the arrears owing by seventy-eight selectors is only £468, and it is very probable that little of this will be left at the end of the year. Table E, Perpetual Lease and Small Areas.— Exchanges into lease in perpetuity have been made by four selectors, for an area of 659 acres. By surrenders and forfeitures the Crown has resumed possession of eighteen holdings, with an area of 5,668 acres. Eight selectors have been allowed to acquire the freehold of 1,686 acres. The arrears of this class of holding are gradually diminishing, and only 189 selectors are now in arrear, to the extent of £1,098. Table F, Occupation with Bight of Purchase. —The selections have been 205, of a total area of 38,527 acres, with an average rental of 6d. per acre, whilst the forfeitures for non-fulfilment of conditions have been only four, of an area of 260 acres. Table G, Lease in Perpetuity. —The selectors under this tenure have numbered eighty-four, holding a total area of 21,275 acres. The forfeitures and surrenders have been eight in number, with an area resumed by the Crown of 2,634 acres. . Table N, Village Homestead Special Settlements .—As Mr. March has quite recently visited and made a minute inspection of these settlements for the purpose of reporting to you exhaustively. on each, I will only record that the forfeitures and exchanges into other tenures have been twentytwo, of a total area of 961 acres, leaving the total number of present holders under this heading at ■ 236, holding a total area of 9,781 acres (exclusive of those who were exchange into lease in perpetuity); that £320 12s. 6d. has been advanced under the special conditions to complete promises up to 30th June last, from which date Government are not liable for. any further advances; that the arrears owing by this class of settlers are—for. rent,.£544.185.. 7d., and, for: interest on advances, £773. I may add that the total improvements .now on the land made bysettlers have been recently valued at £25,638. I—C. 1.