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8.—13 a

Present market rental of the whole property, as estimated by applicant: £ . Present market value of lessee's interest or title : £ . Total of all rates, taxes, or other charges to which the applicant's estate or interest in the property is liable : £ . The use made of the land for the last three years, and the result to the land, beneficial or otherwise : Character, features, position, and circumstances of the land: — State the natural boundaries : How watered, and risk of pollution of water: The area fiat, but not swamp : . The area in swamp : The area in swamp which can be profitably drained : . The area of undulating land capable of being profitably ploughed : . The area in original bush or scrub : The floods, river encroachment, wetness, or drought to which the land is subject; the consequent injury or risk of injury, and expense : The use to which the land is best adapted, agricultural or pastoral. If to both, to what extent for each purpose, and to what particular crops or stock : The gorse, sweetbriar, or other noxious plants or weeds growing on the land : Whether the land is free from rabbits : The use to which similar land in the immediate vicinity is commonly put: The names of the roads giving access to the land, and their direction : The distance in miles, from nearest railway-station, ; from nearest post-office ( ), ; from nearest school, Plan of land, showing roads, and their direction to nearest town or railway-station :— If the land offered as the security for the desired advance is of the class of land numbered in the margin of the first page of this application as (2), (3), or (4), the applicant must, before despatching this application, post to the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the district in which the land is situated a notice of this application, in order that the Commissioner may at once furnish the Superintendent with a report respecting the leasehold. A copy of the form of notice can be obtained from any post-office. The ■ aforesaid notice of this application was posted on the day of , 189 ,to the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Dated at , this day of ,189 . ; Applicant's full name: Occupation: Address: ! . Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Glasgow, Governor. Order in Council. At the Government Buildings, at Wellington, this twenty-fifth day of April, 1895. Present: The Honourable the Peemieb pbesiding in Council. In pursuance and exercise of the powers and authority vested in him in and by " The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894," and of all othe'f powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the several regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto, and doth declare that such regulations shall come into force and take effect on the date of the publication thereof in the New Zealand Gazette. Schedule. 1. A declaration in the following form shall be made and subscribed by every person heretofore or hereafter appointed or employed under " The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894," or in the Government Advances to Settlers Office; and every such declaration shall be made and subscribed before the Superintendent, or the Deputy Superintendent, or before any Justice of the Peace :— l> , of , do hereby declare that I will truly and faithfully, according to the best of my skill and knowledge, perform the duties imposed upon me in respect of any employment by or under "The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894," or any regulations for the time being in force thereunder, and that I will not divulge or communicate to any person whomsoever, except as may be authorised by law for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the said Act or any regulations as aforesaid, any matter or thing coming to my knowledge in the performance of my said duties in respect of the business of the Government Advances to Settlers Office, or otherwise in relation thereto. [Signature of person making declaration.] This declaration was made before me at on this day of 18 : ■ . . ' 2. The following proviso is added to clause 23 of the regulations made under " The Govern-ment-Advances to Settlers Act, 1894," by Order in Council of the 3rd day of December, 1894 :— " Provided that, when the application for an advance has been refused without a valuation of the security offered having been made, the Superintendent may refund to the applicant the whole, or such proportion as he may think just, of the valuation-fee paid as aforesaid." c c.- LI ;■ ;Aeex. Willis, ..: oj S ::.,. :'__ _ Clerk of the Executive Council.