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Instkuction to Valuer to bepobt undee " The Government Advances to Settlebs Act, 1894." " Government Advances to Settlers Office, Wellington, , 189 . "To " Sic, — Security to be valued. "Particulars of Application. "An application, of which the particulars are given in " Applicant's name: tne margin, having been made to me for an advance on Security—the interest of the Applicant mortgage, I beg to request that you will, without delay, inspect as the property which is offered as security for the advance, make Cl urba°n Ws^ 0 ' be ' ng Urban OT all necessal T inquiry respecting the application, and furnish me Section- on ne accompanying form with a report stating, as the result Block: of the inspection and inquiry, what you estimate to be the Survey district: realisable value of the property at the time of the inspection, ea; ~ , and whether the property may be regarded as a satisfactory Where situated: -i.ti security for an advance. " If, however, you cannot arrange to inspect and value the security, I trust that you will inform me so by return of post. " For the valuation a fee will be paid -of £ " I am, &c, Valuee's Bepoet undee "The Government Advances to Settlebs Act, 1894." Eegistered No. "Particulars of Security. " Applicant for Advance :— 189 Name: " To the Superintendent, Ad-di-e^' 011 -' , " Government Advances to Settlers Office, Wellington. The interest of the applicant as ' "H^ The class of land, not being urban or " I have, in compliance with the instruction contained suburban lands: j n your letter of the , 18 , inspected the security Survey definition of land : of which the particulars are given in the margin, and, having Measurement of the frontage to street .„ , . * . , . b . . ° .' ' ° orroai j. verified those particulars m respect to the situation, measureOf the depth: ments, area, &c, of the land, and made respecting the applicaThe security being a leasehold interest, tj o n the necessary inquiries, I beg to submit, as the result of the date of the issue of the lease is inspection and inquiries, the following report :— ,18 , and the annual rent J r 1 g> ¥ ■ is £ until the , 189 , when The Character, Features, Capacity, Position, and Circumstances of the Land. 1. The progress of the district in which the land is situated ; whether improvement, stagnation, or retrogression may be expected, and the reasons : 2. The natural boundaries ; the aspect; and whether lying high or low : 3. How watered, and the risk of pollution of water : 4. Area of fiat land, of undulating land capable of being ploughed profitably, and of hilly ground: 5. Area still in natural state, in original bush, in swamps, or sand, or otherwise bare ; and whether capable of profitable improvement, and how : 6. The gorse, sweetbriar, or other noxious plants or weeds growing or spreading on the land : 7. If free from rabbits : 8. The floods, river encroachment, drought, or other drawbacks, and the consequences to the land : 9. The purposes to which the land is best adapted, whether agricultural or pastoral; and, if to both, to what extent for each purpose, and for what particular crops or stock : 10. The use to which the land is put, and the use to which land of same character and quality and condition in the immediate vicinity is generally put: 11. The stock, and the condition of the stock, which the land is now carrying, and what stock it is now capable of carrying : 12. The condition of the land as the result of the crops; and, if exhausted or impoverished, how : 13. What the rule is of good husbandry for land of the same nature and value in the district; and whether such rule has been observed with the land in question : 14. The nature, quality, and average depth of the soil: 15. The access by roads, rivers, &c. : 16. The distance from the nearest — Post-office, giving the name : Bailway-station, giving the name : School, giving the name : Improvements. 17. Buildings : the date of erection, description, materials, condition, and value of each : 18. Their necessity to the economical use of the land for the purposes to which the land is best adapted: 19. The amount of existing insurance, and of the insurance obtainable : 20. Area cleared of original bush or scrub :