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Enclosure 1 in No. 2. (No. 49.—Treaty.) My Lokd,- — Paris, 4th September, 1894. I have the honour to transmit herewith to your Lordship copy of a note which I have received from Monsieur Hanotaux, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in which His Excellency asks me to convey to the Houses of Parliament of New Zealand the thanks of the French Government for the addresses of sympathy voted on the occasion of the death of the late President Camot, which were enclosed in your Lordship's despatch (No. 45, Treaty) of the 21st of August. I have, &c, The Earl of Kimberley, K.G., &c. E. C. H. Phipps.

Enclosure 2 in No. 2. Bm,— Paris, 30th August, 1894. I have received your letter of the 23rd instant with which you have been so good as to communicate to me the addresses of sympathy voted by the two Chambers of New Zealand. The Government of the Eepublic has keenly appreciated this demonstration of sympathy, and in the name of my colleagues, as well as in my own name, I beg of you to have the kindness to convey to the members of the New Zealand Parliament the expression of our heartfelt thanks. I have, &c, Monsieur Phipps, &c. Hanotaux. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £1 2s.

By Authority : Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9s. Price, 3d.~]