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Laid on the Table of the House pursuant to Section 55 of " The Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894."

[From New Zealand Gazette,'; 24th January, 1895.] REGULATIONS UNDER "THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE CONSOLIDATION ACT, 1894," AND OTHER ACTS. Glasgow, Governor. Oedbe in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-third day of January, 1895. Present: His Excellency the Goveenoe in Council. In pursuance and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred by "The Lunatics Act, 1882," " The Native Eeserves Act, 1882," " The West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act, 1892," " The Unclaimed Lands Act, 1892," "The Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894," and of any other Act or law, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the consent and advice of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following regulations:— 1. In these regulations, if not inconsistent with the context, — " The Act " means " The Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 1894 " : Property shall be deemed to be placed in the Public Trust Office when the Public Trustee becomes trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, committee, agent, or attorney in respect of such property : " Native " means an aboriginal native of New Zealand, and includes half-castes and their descendants : " The Board " means the Public Trust Office Board, as constituted by this Act: "Institution" includes an association, society, corporation, bank, savings-bank, and any department of the General Government of the colony : " Common fund " means the common fund mentioned in section 29 of the Act. 2. The Public Trust Office shall be situate in the City of Wellington. Any premises which the Public Trustee from time to time occupies for the purpose of carrying on the business of the Public Trust Office shall be the Public Trust Office for the purposes of the Act and these regulations. 3. The office shall be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., except on Saturdays, when it shall close at 1 p.m.; and it shall not be open at all on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas Day, nor on such other days or times as shall be duly declared or appointed by Government to be general public holidays. 4. The Board shall meet for the despatch of business at such times and places as shall be appointed by the Public Trustee, or by adjournment of a previous meeting. 5. The seal of the Public Trustee, as existing immediately prior to the passing of the Act, shall be the seal thereunder: Provided that the Board may, with the consent of the Governor in Council, from time to time alter the form of such seal. 6. The seal shall be kept at the Public Trust Office, and in the custody of the Public Trustee, under lock. 7. Minutes of the proceedings or resolutions of the Board shall be recorded in such manner as the Board may direct, and shall, either at the meeting when the business is done, or at the next succeeding meeting, be confirmed by the Board, with such alterations or variations as the Board thinks proper, and, when confirmed, shall be signed by the Chairman or presiding member at such meeting. 8. The minutes of the meetings of the Board held under the provisions of " The Native Eeserves Act, 1882," or its amendments, shall be kept in both the English and Maori languages, and the latter shall be certified by a competent interpreter to be a true translation of the former; and all such minutes, and all proceedings of such Board connected therewith, shall, when required by any member thereof, be interpreted by some competent interpreter to the Native members of the Board present at such meeting.