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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

RECORD OP THE PROCEEDINGS OF A MEETING OP THE COUNTY COUNCILS' CONFERENCE, HELD AT THE HUTT COUNTY COUNCIL OFFICE, WELLINGTON. Tuesday, 7th August. A Confeeence of delegates representing various counties of New Zealand was held at the Hutt County Council Office, Wellington, on Tuesday, the 7th August, 1894, and the following days. The counties represented, and the names of delegates, were as follows : Hutt, Messrs. Majendie, C. W. Brown, and H. A. Field; Horowhenua, the Chairman (Mr. Kebbell), and Mr. Engels; Manawatu, Mr. J. G. Wilson, M.H.R.; Stratford, the Chairman (Mr. Monkhouse); Lake, Mr. Fraser, M.H.R. ; Wairarapa North, the Chairman (Mr. Yon Reden); Wairarapa South, Mr. Coleman Phillips ; Southland, Mr. McNab, M.H.R.; Waikato and Raglan, Mr. Lang, M.H.R.; Patea, Mr. Peat; Hawera, the Chairman (Mr. Forsyth); Pahiatua, the Chairman (Mr. Bolton); Waitotara, the Chairman (Mr. J. Laird); Wanganui, Mr. J. R. Sommerville ; Kaikoura, the Chairman (Mr. A. S. Collins); Selwyn, the Chairman (Mr. McMillan); Inangahua, the Chairman (Mr. Trennery). It was resolved that Mr. Majendie be elected Chairman of the Conference. Proposed by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Yon. Reden, "That a County Council Association be formed on the same lines as the Municipal Association of New Zealand." Amendment, proposed by Mr. Phillips, " That the Road Boards be included in the association with County Councils."—Lost. Further amendment, proposed by Mr. Majendie, "That a County Council Association for the colony be established on the lines of the Municipal Association of New Zealand, and that Road Board delegates be invited to attend the Conference from districts where the Counties Act is not in force." —Lost. Further amendment, proposed by Mr. McNab, seconded by Mr. Bolton, " And that the members of the association be elected by the Councils where the Counties Act is in operation, and by the Road Boards where the Counties Act is not in operation." Mr. Wilson accepted the amendment, which was added to the resolution and carried. Further amendment, proposed by Mr. Phillips, "That a local self-government association of New Zealand be formed of all local bodies outside the Municipal Association, with representatives from the old provincial centres."—Lost. Proposed by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Bolton, "That Mr. H. D. Atkinson be appointed secretary to the association."—Carried. Resolved, " That the Conference do now go into committee of the whole for passing rules, &c." Objects. Proposed by Mr. Engels, seconded by Mr. Yon Reden, " That the objects of this association shall be to promote efficient local government in New Zealand."—Carried. Interpretation. Resolved, " That in every county where 'The Counties Act, 1886,' is suspended, the combined Road Boards shall be deemed to be a County Council under this association." Constitution. Proposed by Mr. Yon Reden, seconded by Mr. Kebbell, "That all County Councils who subscribe to the funds of the association at the following rates—viz. : When the valuation is £1,000,000 or more, 5 guineas per annum; when the valuation is under £1,000,000, and more than £500,000, 3 guineas per annum ; when the valuation is under £500,000, 2 guineas per annum—shall be deemed members of the association." I—H. 5.