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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1895-96. CARRIAGE OF MAILS BY RAILWAY. VOTE No. 35. Carriage of Mails by Special Trains Conveyance of ordinary Mails by Railway £29,329 0 0 Less cost of Postage, Telegrams, Telephone Exchange connections, Postoffice box-rents, &c. ... ... 17,724 0 0 £ 1 2 1,000 11,605 Total—Vote No. 35 12,601 MISCELLANEOUS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 36. Travelling-expenses of Inspectors and Linemen Extra Labour and Material for Repairs Stationery, &c. Special allowance to Telegraph Messengers during their • first year's service Gas and Water Telephone Fees to Non - permanent Postmasters and Telephonists Contribution towards scientific and technical instruction of officers Compassionate allowance to Margaret Connolly, son drowned in execution of his duty Prizes for designs of new issue of postage-stamps To make good loss by burglary at Papakura Office To make good loss by robbery of mail between Denniston and Westport Office Expenses, Fuel, Travelling - expenses of Telegraphists, and Contingencies 4,500 10,500 4,500 375 3,000 4,600 200 8 50 . 280 30 9 10 11 139 12 21,500 Less estimated credits under section 41 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1891" 49,674 1,000 Total —Vote No. 36 48,674 TOTAL OF CLASS V. £335,516