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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1895-96. GENERAL EXPENSES. 1895-96. Number of officers ... 16 VOTE No. 3. Salabies— Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in Library Temporary Assistant Attendant Mailman during Session 250 150 130 112 48 Reporters — Hansard Staff — Chief Reporter 7 Reporters at £300 ... ... ... Extra Reporting Reporting, Select Committees Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman Assistant Night-watchman 690 600 2,100 165 150 275 168 110 3 4 5 3,568 Otheb Chabges— Passages of Members Printing of Hansard Library Gas, Fuel, and Electric Lighting Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Translating Acts into Maori ... Electrician's Assistant Special remuneration to Library staff Compassionate allowance to J. Scarf, formerly Messenger, House of Representatives Contingencies Gratuity to Messengers employed during the session ... 4,258 6 7 8 9 10 750 3,800 600 1,450 11 12 13 14 400 25 100 30 15 16 25 350 100 Total —Vote No. 3 ... 7,630 11,888 TOTAL OF CLASS I. £17, '55