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Dunedin, Thubsday, 21st Febeuaby, 1895. The Commission met at 10.45 a.m. Present: Hon. Major Steward (Chairman), Mr.' Stevens, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. McGowan, and Mr. Mackenzie. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A number of further applications to take evidence were received, and a time fixed for hearing same. William Gregg, coffee-manufacturer, made a statement on coffee, &c. George Henry Oatway, agent, Buckeye Harvester Company, made a statement in regard to twine. Frank Oakden, of the Milburn Cement-works, made a statement on cement. Eobert and Eobert William Eutherford made statements in regard to wax vestas. Henry S. Jones, representing P. Hayman and Co., made a statement on wax vestas. A. Macdonald, representing McPherson, Kemp, and Co., made a statement on confectionery. J. Neil, herbalist, made a statement in regard to imported drugs. Andrew Walker, delegate from the Dunedin Typographical Association, made a statement. On the motion of Mr. Stevens, Resolved, That, upon the return of the Commission to Dunedin, Messrs. J. C. Cameron (D.Benjamin and Co.), J. North (Bing, Harris, and Co.), and E. Turnbull (Sargood, Son, and Ewen) be summoned to give evidence. The Commission then adjourned until to-morrow at 10.45 a.m.

Dunedin, Feiday, 22nd Febeuaby, 1895. Present: Hon. Major Steward (Chairman), Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Stevens, Mr. McGowan, and Mr. Hutchison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. On the motion of Mr. Tanner, Resolved, That C. W. T. Chamberlain, Collector of Customs, Dunedin, be summoned to attend the Commission upon the return of the Commission to Dunedin. Douglas Harris Hastings, advertising contractor, gave evidence on stereos. Hon. W. J. M. Larnach, M.H.E., C.M.G., introduced a deputation from Central Otago fruitgrowers—namely, M. E. Manuel, Joseph Tamblyn, John Bennetts, Henry Bloxham, John Moodie, Albert Birch, and A. Lorie (manager of the Alexandra Fruit-growers' Company). Mr. Larnach made a statement. M. E. Manuel, Joseph Tamblyn, John Bennetts, Albert Birch, and A. Lorie each made a statement. T. P. Farra, tinsmith and japanner, and F. J. Lake, tinsmith, attended, and each made a statement. The Commission adjourned at 5 p.m. until to-morrow at 10.45 a.m.

Dunedin, Satubday, 23bd Febeuaby, 1895. The Commission met at 10.45 a.m. Present : Hon. Major Steward (Chairman), Mr. Tanner, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Stevens, and Mr. McGowan. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. A letter was received from J. Frostick, Christchurch, stating that the boot-manufacturers and curriers had agreed upon a basis of settlement, and that the suggestions would be laid before the Commission upon its return to Christchurch. Letter ordered to be acknowledged. Resolved, That the Secretary write to the different parties of the iron trade at Wellington, asking them to try to agree to a similar basis of settlement. Walter Stott and J. H. Smellie, iron-rollers, attended and made a statement. The Commission then adjourned until Tuesday next, at Invercargill, at 10.30 a.m.

Inveecaegill, Tuesday, 26th Febeuaby, 1895. The Commission opened at the Post-office Buildings, Invercargill, on Tuesday, the 26th February, 1895, at 10.30 a.m. Present: Hon. Major Steward (Chairman), Mr. Tanner, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Mackenzie, and Mr. McGowan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman read a letter which he had received from Mr. Hutchison, M.H.E., stating he was too unwell to leave Dunedin yesterday, but, if well enough, would leave to-day. A number of applications to give evidence were received, and a time appointed for taking same. Before proceeding to hear evidence, Mr. Mackenzie alluded to the fact that, owing to the Commission sitting mostly in the centres of the colony, evidence was tendered by the city witnesses often with a Protectionist or selfish view, and he suggested, as farmers and country settlers, by reason of the fact of their living far away, could not attend, that the secretaries of pastoral and agricultural and farmers' associations should be invited to attend and give evidence as regards the farmers' views. The Commission, on the motion of Mr. Mackenzie, resolved to summon the secretaries of agricultural and pastoral associations in the different centres as suggested. James Macalister, manager of the Southland Farmers' Implement and Engineering Company (Limited), gave evidence on the iron trade.