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CLASS XII. — continued. MANUFACTUEES OF METAL— continued.

Exemptions— continued. 397. Iron, rod, bolt, bar, hoop, and pig. 398. Iron, rolled girders. 400. Iron wire, including fencing, barbed, and plain ; also standards and staples. 401. Iron wire netting. 403. Lead, in pigs and bars. 407. Locomotives. Machinery and appliances for electric lighting installations, and retorts and other appliances for gas-making, when imported by or for a local governing body. 410. Machinery, dairying, including engines and boilers. 409. Machinery for agricultural purposes n.0.e., also materials for manufacturing the same, viz. : reaper-knife sections, fingers, brass and steel springs and tilt-rakes, chaff-cuttting knives, setscrews, malleable castings, fittings for threshingmills, discs for harrows, forgings for ploughs, mouldboard- plates and steel share-plates cut to pattern, and skeith-plates. Machinery for flour-mills, woollen-mills, and paper-mills (not including engines or boilers). 412. Machinery for mining purposes, including machine-pumps. 413. Machinery for oil refining and for boring, not including engines. 414. Machinery for refrigerating and preserving meat. Machinery for rope- and twine-making. 415. Machine saws. 416. Metal fittings for trunks, portmanteaux, travelling-bags, and leggings. 417. Metal frames for bags and satchels. 418. Metal sheaves for blocks. 419. Metallic capsules. 437. Perambulators and the like vehicles, fittings for, n.o.e. Perforated or cellular sheet zinc or iron.

Exemptions— continued. Picks and mattocks. 442. Ploughs and harrows, complete. 444. Portable engines. 447. Printing machinery, presses, type, and materials. Quartz-, knapping-, and spalling-hammers. 448. Bails for railways and tramways. Eeaping-hooks. 364. Eiddles and sieves. 450. Eivets and washers of all kinds. 451. Saddlers' ironmongery (except bits and stirrupirons), hames, and mounts for harness ; straining, surcingle, brace, girth, and roller webs. Saw - milling, planing, and wood - working machinery, including lathes. 460. Scythes and scythe-handles. Set-screws, engineers' studs, and split-pins. 462. Sewing-, knitting-, and kilting-machines. Sheep-shears. 475. Soda-water machines. Soldering-irons. 476. Spades, shovels, and forks. Spiral springs. Steam and hydraulic pressure and vacuum gauges. 481. Steam-boiler tubes, not exceeding 6in. in diameter, and unflanged, and Bowling's expansionrings. 482. Steel. 486. Swords. 487. Tacks. 491. Tin, pig, bar, and sheet. 492. Tinsmiths' fittings. 494. Tools, n.0.e., used in any trade, handicraft, or occupation (including implements of husbandry). 500. Wire, brass, copper, and lead. 502. Zinc, plain sheet.


Customs Duties. 15. Bellows, other than forge, 20 per cent. 24. Blocks, wooden tackle, 20 per cent. Boats, rowing, 20 per cent. Boot-trees and boot-jacks, 20 per cent. 34. Buckets and tubs of wood, 20 per cent. 44. Carriages, carts, drays, wagons, and perambulators, and wheels for the same, 20 per cent. 45. Carriage shafts, spokes, felloes, bent wheelrims, and other bent carriage-timber, n.0.e., 20 per cent. 79. Doors, glazed with ornamental glass, 4s. each. 78. Doors, plain, 2s. each. 247. Sashes, glazed with ornamental glass, 4s. the pair. 246. Sashes, plain, 2s. the pair. 281. Timber, palings, 2s. the 100. 282. Timber, posts, Bs. the 100. 283. Timber, rails, 4s. the 100. 279. Timber, sawn, dressed, 4s. the 100 ft. sup. 278. Timber, sawn, rough, 2s. the 100 ft. sup. 280. Timber, shingles and laths, 2s. the 1,000.

Customs Duties— continued. 289. Turnery, 20 per cent. 310. Woodware, 20 per cent.

Exemptions. 326. Ash, hickory, and lancewood timber, unwrought. 331. Blacksmiths' bellows. 341. Brush woodware. 352. Carriage- and cart-shafts, spokes and felloes in the rough ; hubs ; poles if unbent and unplaned. 351. Carriage- and cart-makers' materials, viz. : Springs, mountings, trimmings, brass hinges, tirebolts, shackle - holders, and other iron fittings (except steps, lamp-irons, dash-irons, and seat-rails), rubber cloth. 355. Churns. 406. Lignum vitaa. 452. Saddle-trees. Veneers. Wooden handles for tools.