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accounts furnished as correct, and shall forthwith pay over to the Government of New Zealand the amount agreed to be contributed by such colony towards making good the deficiency or cost (as the case may be) aforesaid. In witness whereof their Excellencies the Governors of the several Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria, the Governor of the Province of South Australia, and the Governors of the Colonies of Western Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand have signed this agreement, and caused the same to be sealed with the seal of their respective colonies on the day and year first above written. E. W Duff. (1.5.) HOPETOUN (L.S.) S. J Way (1.5.) W C. F Eobinson. (1.5.) goemanston. (1.5.) Glasgow (1.5.)

No. 2. The Deputy Postmastee-Geneeal, Melbourne, to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. Sic,— General Post Office, Melbourne, 19th October, 1894. I beg to inform you that it is the intention of this Government to give notice of withdrawal from all agreements of guarantee in respect of cable receipts for business transacted over European, New Zealand, and Tasmanian cables as from the 30th April, 1895, and I have the honour to request that I may be favoured with an expression of the views of your Administration on the subject. I have, &c, Jas. Smibeet, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Deputy Postmaster-General.

No 3. The Manages in Austealasia, Eastern Extension Company, to the Hon. the PostmastebGeneeal. The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Sik, — Melbourne, 19th November, 1894. With reference to the notice which I believe the Victorian Postmaster-General has sent you, intimating that it is probable his Government will withdraw from all cable guarantees shortly, I have the honour to bring under your notice that the traffic returns for the month of October show a considerable reduction in the estimated loss under the guarantee arrangement for the current (sth) year as compared with the previous month (September), and that if this improvement continues during the next few months the loss the ..contributing colonies will have to make up will be comparatively small. It is therefore, I think, advisable that the other contributing colonies should endeavour to induce Victoria to give the guarantee arrangement a further trial. I have, &c, W Waeeen, The Hon. J G. Ward, Postmaster-General, Wellington. Manager in Australasia.

No. 4. The Hon. the Postmastee-Genebal, Wellington, to the Hon. the Postmastee-Genebal, Melbourne. (Telegram.) General Post Office, Wellington, 28th November, 1894. Have had°under consideration letter of 19th ultimo from your office intimating that your colony intended to withdraw from cable guarantee. I exceedingly regret that your Government contemplates withdrawing. Should you withdraw, other contributing colonies will have to do the same, resulting in cable charges being raised to something like former rates, causing loud complaints from public, and at same time adversely affecting general business. In interests of guaranteeing colonies strongly urge that you continue to contribute to Guarantee Fund. Your colony took leading part in bringing about reduction of cable rates, and the four-shillings-per-word rate was agreed to at the instance of Victoria. Hope you will be able to see your way to reconsider matter

No. 5. The Hon. the Postmasteb-Geneeal, Melbourne, to the Hon. the Postmasteb-Geneeal, Wellington. (Telegram.) General Post Office, Melbourne, 29th November, 1894. Begbet that owing to temporary depression of revenue we are reluctantly compelled to stop the cable guarantee. If this were postponed until next Conference it would involve us in another year's payment; but this will not prevent question being discussed. Do not think company will revert to former charges.