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No. 31. The Hon the Premier to the Agent-General. (Memorandum.) Premier's Office, Wellington, 4th October, 18y4. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your memorandum of the 17th August last, covering copy of correspondence which has passed between yourself and the General Post Office, London, on the subject of the transmission from London to New York of mails to this colony despatched vid San Francisco. J G. Ward, For the Premier Sir Westby B. Perceval, K.C.M.G, Agent-General for New Zealand, London.

No. 32. The Eesident Agent, San Francisco, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Lexington Hotel, Michigan Boulevard and 22nd Street, Chicago, Sir,— 12th October, 1894. The ' Monowai" was again two days late this time in its arrival in San Francisco, and missed the Wednesday's fast steamers from New York. Finding that it would, under the usual time-table, miss the fast steamer from New York on Thursday I placed myself in communication with the Hamburg-American Packet Company and induced them to hold their fast steamer, the " Fiirst Bismarck," in New York two hours and a half, and got the Postal authorities in Chicago to divert our mails from the usual route to the Lake Shore express , and all the mails except the Irish portion left New York on the 4th, which should have landed them at Southampton in time. The HamburgAmerican Packet Company gained nothing by this detention. * * =;= * * * I remain, &c, W Gray, Esq. H. Stephenson Smith.

No. 33. The Hon. the Postmasteb-Genebal to the Manager, Hamburg-American Packet Company, New York. Sic,— General Post Office, Wellington, 28th November, 1894. I learn from the Eesident Agent for this colony at San Francisco that on the occasion of the transport of the Australasian mails for the United Kingdom by the E.M.S. " Monowai," which arrived at San Francisco on the 29th September last, two days late, your company very kindly detained its steamer, the " Fiirst Bismarck," for two hours and a half at New York to enable a portion of the mail to be placed on board, thereby saving a delay of two days at that port. I have accordingly much pleasure in tendering you the thanks of the Government of this colony for your company's courteous action on the occasion in question,, which is fully appreciated. I have, &c, W Gray, For the Postmaster-General. The Manager, Hamburg-American Packet Company, New York.

No. 34. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Peemier. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., 12th October, 1894. (Memorandum.) Arrival of Mails. A POETION of the San Francisco mail, despatched from New Zealand on Bth September, arrived in London yesterday (11th October), bringing the despatches specified in the enclosed schedule [not printed], and some newspapers and printed papers. On making inquiry at the Imperial Post Office, I am informed that the other portion of the mail is expected to arrive by the " Lucania " for delivery to-morrow morning (13th October) I propose to take an early opportunity of ascertaining from the London Post Office how it happened that the mail was sent on from New York divided into two portions. The Hon. the Premier W B. Peeceval.

No. 35. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Pbemiee. Westminster Chambers, 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., 16th November, 1894. (Memorandum.) Division of San Francisco Mail. Befebring to my memorandum of 12th October last, I now beg to transmit herewith copy of the reply I have received from the Imperial Post Office to my inquiry, explaining the cause of the division of the San Francisco mail, and expressing the regret of the United States Post Office for the occurrence. W B. Perceval. The Hon. the Premier